Is my plant ok?

Hello all, I have an og kush strain which has been in the ground for about 5 weeks now. It started off slow due to the fact I don't think I was watering enough. Now I think it is back on track. My question is when should I start (if not should I have started already) giving it nutes. Also it is currently under 2 23 watt cfls. When should I switch it over to add more cfls, or switch over to MH. Also when should I transplant into a 3 gallon pot. And out of 10 what would you guys rate it as of now? I have attached to pictures of it now, and what it looked like 1 week ago. The lighting is what is making the plant appear yellow. It is actually quite green. Thank you in advance for any advice



Well-Known Member
ph between 6 and 7 ? if so it is starving for nutrients, time to add like solution. 1/4 strength . the plant is not ok it looks like its very hungry for nutrients, if the ph is correct feed it, should be green never yellow