Is my soil recipe ok


Well-Known Member
So I made abit of a recipe hoping its right.

Ok so a mixture of coco coir, perlite, compost and the rest I'm not sure

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Well-Known Member
Can anyone think of anything else to add? Not looking for a million and alone things to go in the recipe just wanna keep it simple

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Well-Known Member
Personally I wouldn't use coco, if you are wanting to go soil. Coco has a different ph range.

Just pick up a bag of soil, mix some perlite, worm castings and add some lime.

Just keep it simple. Pot up from a seedling stage and each time you pot up, you are feeding them, so there is really no need for added nutes unless deficiencies start to show.


Well-Known Member
Personally I wouldn't use coco, if you are wanting to go soil. Coco has a different ph range.

Just pick up a bag of soil, mix some perlite, worm castings and add some lime.

Just keep it simple. Pot up from a seedling stage and each time you pot up, you are feeding them, so there is really no need for added nutes unless deficiencies start to show.
Do you know if bunnings or warehouse has a good organic soil without certs in it

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Well-Known Member
Organic soil is a combination of ferts. Bunnings have some organic mixes, warehouse not so much. I'll be honest here, I think you are over complicating the matter. Its just cannabis.

You can use any soil you want. I've used the cheap potting mixes from bunnings and the warehouse. They are just more prone to gnats, which you will get eventually anyway.


Well-Known Member
Oh Ok fair enuf. I'm a bit touchy at the moment with this bcoz I'm having issues germing my seeds

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Well-Known Member
If you don't plan on doing a super soil, a three way split of aeration (perlite, rice hull, lava rock, recycled glass), compost (fresh humate source) and base material (coco, peat moss)

I use amendments, because I don't use nutrient lines. I've started using Dragonfly Earth Medicine a bit, but that's all organics.

Add some insect frass, glacial rock dust (wear a mask when mixing), azomite, sea kelp, alfalfa meal, neem meal, and EWC. That should give you a fantastic base soil that shouldn't need much nutes.

Now, if you're using synthetic, forget everything I just said after the first sentence.


This guy is struggling to find potting mix without time release fertiliser.
I doubt he's getting his hands on anything mentioned above.

Keep it simple
Potting mix
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