is reverting from flower back to veg bad???

is it true tho that reverting back to veg will cause major stress to the plants and cause them to hermapherdite? i'm actually vegging at the moment for the first time from seeds of different strains and am not aware of sex yet. I am wondering if i can just take a cutting from each plant to clone and label them. In the meantime just flower the originals for sex and harvest and taste the different strains. By that time the female clones will have rooted and the strongest prefered strain will be choosen to be my mother plant. would that work out??? i am a newbie and am going crazy about deciding what to do best! any advice is much appreciated!!!


Well-Known Member
no not at all I cut clones from budding plants all the time and revert them back to veg but doiong it over and over again will cause stress

but youve got it right take cutting label them then flower to sex them


Well-Known Member
yup, i agree with all that
none of the flowering clones I've used hermied
but the label idea would work also, obviously