Is she ready? Healthy?

Is it cool to havest different parts of plant of better to wait till all the bud site look the same?

At the moment I still have white pistols growing on the lower parts of plants but on the top they are more orange


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Well-Known Member
I think you can still hold off a bit, keep watching her daily as the trichs change fast at this point. Yes you can harvest some part of the plant and the rest later, never done it on autos myself but have done it on others with some success.
Very nice grow.


Well-Known Member
I still see a lot of clear trichs (those could be amber but not clear enough in the pic) ... nonetheless, you want to harvest when most triches are cloudy with maybe 20%amber (more amber if you are looking for more sedative effect as opposed to the racy head high .... all is also strain-dependant).
You CAN harvest the ripe buds first while allowing the lower younger buds to finish for another week or more. I do that all the time! Happy growin bro

Check out my new QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previois TriStrain grow ;-) :