Is she ready?

First grow, I'm growing indoors under 5x24watt cfls all organic. I'm going away on Christmas for 10days and won't be able to tend to my girl. She's maybe 7-8weeks in since flowering? I stopped counting.. Anyways I got a 100x microscope and I see a few clear and heaps of cloudy trichs on all buds pretty much. Not really any amber? So yeh I've read to see more amber but I sorta want to cut her before I head off on holiday or risk leaving her for 10days with no water etc. help lol, also if you say cut her what should I so for curing? Anyway take a look at pictures,




Active Member
I would bro because your looking for a hellafied scientific answer as I would be. I think you would enjoy the plant with that ratio you have. The one time I took that amber advice shit, I couldn't stay awake. in fact I would take a puff and fall asleep at the table. with the pipe and lighter in hand. I would take her now man and let it dry while your gone.

good pics nice chics but not quite detailed enough for me. however. if your totally in doubt let it grow while your gone but shes gonna shrivel some with the dry soil. it's gonna continue to mature/grow after you cut it. but it's not looking ready to me idk take another picture. of the bud itself cause it looks like it need to plump some more to me.

third post geez sorry. On third thought considering your dilemma, I would just take it down and chock it up to experience. and think about it while your away!
back your scope out to 60x if you can sometimes it helps to check that far too. you don't have to take another picture just seems like maybe your gonna have some airy buds. Im sorry about that@ this close to xmas. do you know what phenotype it is? they look healthy as f*** nonetheless great job so far! Sorry you gotta bizounce on the izzounce! merry,merry! hope your journey is a safe one wear your seat belts haha!

by the way i would chop as soon as your walking out the door.and etc. :wink:


Well-Known Member
i would leave her, heres why: she doesnt quite look ready, and preem-buds taste like chlororphyll. i usually black out my flower room for 36-48hr's with out water befor i chop and hang my girls; this sends them into a shock, its not enough time for them to hermi but its enough time for them to panic thinking winters comming and flush the buds with goopy thc. you want you nugs to dry anyway right? 10 days with out water would speed up your drying process, i would drench her before you leave, but she will be fine with the lights off for a while, when she really needs water she can draw it from those big fan leaves.
unless you live in an arid climate like colorado, this is something you might want to think about..

best of luck breddren!


Well-Known Member
CARDINAL RULE OF CANNABIS GROWING......DONT PULL EM EARLY! that being said good job my mang! You aint gonna hurt it by going another 8 days my friend let her go! better to have more white than clear with some amber than more with no white some with white and no amber at all. Trust me i eat lego's lol!


Active Member
^^^^^ what he said!!. Your plant still looks like it can gain some weight and when you come back after your trip you will be happy to see her.


Active Member
i would leave her, heres why: she doesnt quite look ready, and preem-buds taste like chlororphyll. i usually black out my flower room for 36-48hr's with out water befor i chop and hang my girls; this sends them into a shock, its not enough time for them to hermi but its enough time for them to panic thinking winters comming and flush the buds with goopy thc. you want you nugs to dry anyway right? 10 days with out water would speed up your drying process, i would drench her before you leave, but she will be fine with the lights off for a while, when she really needs water she can draw it from those big fan leaves.
unless you live in an arid climate like colorado, this is something you might want to think about..

certainly an option but if it were a crisis situation then yes chop, chop. But there is a lot of naysayers with the dark period before harvest. I personally never noticed a difference. but atleast im not the only one who says they need another two weeks to pack that extra fluff. I did consider that from kansas but I edited my posts so many times I never typed it in. but I figured you knew that lmao benefit of the doubt.a good cure will help with the chlorophyll especially when using the paper bag method and glass jars. unless your in the kilo business and I find that hard to believe with that little girl. you should be fine with a good cure. I never flush outside in the ground so. definitely something to think about op! i think me and kansas nailed it for you imo :clap:
Thanks for all the feedbacks :) I pulled a little nug off of a lower branch and wet smoked it, didn't feel a thing so ill just let her keep going while I'm gone, ill try and keep the temps down while I'm away and when I get back ill just throw her into a 48hr dark period, I left her and the power fucked up a few weeks back and she had no light for 36hrs or so and she grew heaps lol... the yellowing leaves she is consuming the fans to get some more nitrogen so hopefully she can just keep consuming them for water while I'm gone lol. She has come so far after starting life in cow manure and two lights falling on her, just got some duck tape and did a mcguyver job all good. Her brother got chopped the moment his balls showed up...spent $50 on the whole setup so it's been fun :) it's a bag seed, cheers!
So I got back to find her badly dehydrated and wilted over, checked trichs and still shitload milky not much amber. gave her a small watering and used some string to lift her back up.

See photo, need to harvest soon running out of time for current setup lol



Well-Known Member
doh. theres 1000 ways to keep dirt wet for 10 days. but youll never forget the lesson now ;) it will probably come back to life. It didnt look anywhere near ready in those first pics anyway.
all she has had is water pretty much, i bought some organic feed which i watered in quite some time ago, tbhed i don't really have enough time in my current situation to let her grow much longer unfortunately ill have to kill her in a few days as my situation has changed :(
Updated photos,

The fan leafs were all pretty dead so i trimmed them off over a few days...soz pics on side lols :P
She has a few seeds growing so slight hermie but only in 3 sites.

Buds really starting to thicken up now, i think she might have another week, maybe max 2 weeks left but yeh kinda have to cut her this weekend :(

The weight of the main colas doing ok after heat stress. Put some rope around her just so she doesn't get bashed up too much as i run a pretty powerful fan over her during light time. Still just running filtered water the way i see it, if i start adding nutrients, i'll screw her up, organic is just easier. The soil is still breaking down and little bugs are doing poops which continues to feed her so if anything the only thing i might do is give her a bit more water, she's a good watering behind.

