is side lighting beneficial or necessary for my new LED set up??

Hey everyone, I am starting a new room with some LED lights that Ive seen in person and one that I've only read about but i have only heard great things about both, I'm gettin the spyder 2i and one Gavita 1700e for the new room.. I kind of want to get one brand and stick with it, but seeing as nobody can really say which light they prefer more or think is better I figured that I'd get one of each and do a comparison. I know that tehyre both really powerful lights with great plant penetration, but my question is, If I buy a couple more cheap red spectrum LEDs just for side lighting, will this increase my yield do you think or is the penetration of these LEDs enough?? I was also thinking supplemental lighting with the red spectrums but with the Spyder 6" away from the plants i dont know how id really make that work. I'm probably over thinking things like i normally do, but I just want as much red spectrum as possible at the end of my bloom cycles and If i dont do this with the LED room I may just add some to the sides of my CMH room becvause the lower buds( and I lollipop the hell out of my plants usually) do not produce much and im using most of them for extraction purposes. Thanks guys let me know what you think.
The gavita is designed to be ran at a further distance from the canopy than the Spydr. Thats one thing to look at when selecting LED. Some lights need to run at >28 inches and others at 6 - 12 inches.

Side lighting is great when you have the space and the plants are tall enough to take advantage of it.
thanks man, i was gonna put each light on seperate sides of the room/ seperate treys, but im thinking ill just get 2 of the same for now. I'm thinking of going Gavita, but i guess the owners not a great guy and everyone is talking me out of it, the growers choice 720, the spyder 2i, the luxx led, the hlg 600, or the one im really taking a look at now is the mammoth 10 bar. theyre mostly all built rather similar. any recommendations?
What distance do you wanna run the lights from your canopy? Some folks have height restrictions and don't mind managing light height on a daily basis.
ive got like normal 8 foot cielings in this room i believe, and ive got 4x8 treys that are on home made stands with wheels that cant be more than a foot off the ground probably 10'' or so. i been usuing 630 cmhs from sun system and was advised to keep 3 feet away, and never really had too many problems with that until i realized i did much better when they were as close to the canopy as i could get them w out burning obviously. I bought 10 sunsystem 630 cmhs about three years ago when i moved to vegas from a friends advise and I've honestly never been thrilled w them. Definitely wish I went LED or Double ended HID from the jump. I used to have just regular hids when i lived in cali, but switched to the cmhs and wish i never did. waste of $7500 IMO, but I made the best of them for a while and am ready for an upgrade. I had a huge learning curb when I left the bay. I was doing 24 plants per trey in rockwool cubes ebb and flow with co2 and would easily pull 1.5 as a rather inexperienced grower at the time. out here is much different and cant have unlimited plants with no repercussions basically like i could back home. here I had to learn to minimize the number of plants and maximize full potential, which hasnt been the easiest thing for me if im being honest.. even at work were set up pretty much as i was back home except instead of flood and drain we use drippers and instead of six lights theres 52 so I havent learned much there to help me with my home grow. pretty much had to find a couple youtubers i trusted because theres so much bs out there, but yeah sorry back to the main question I have 8 foot ceilings and am about a foot off the ground. I would go gavita DE 1000w but i am scared about ceiling space and keeping the plants three feet away with those bad boys and I'm hearing amazing things about so many LEDs nowadays. even the oldschool purests are jumpimg ship and witching over it seems like.