Is something wrong with her? HELP!?! Lots of Pix

2X Felon

This is my first time growing but I like to think I've done enuff research not to sound stoopid. She was in a styrofoam cup and turns out there were two that sprouted and lived. So I transplanted into a trash can. Been using MG Bloom Boost for a few weeks. The tips of some leaves are turning yellow and curling, but I think it just might be mother nature doing her job. I'm just looking for any advise and help. Lemme know what you think and how she looks. She's only in like week one or two of flowering. Thanx



Well-Known Member
That's the MG burning the leaf tips. Happened to me when I was using it. They will be ok but if you see it creeping up the leaves then back off on the feeding a little and make sure you flush for at least 10 days before harvest.


Well-Known Member
You should cut down the sides of the garbage can also so your plant gets more light when the sun is in the East and West. I'd say and inch above the soil would be good.


Active Member
Ive seen people use garbage cans but they usually had 6'x3' plants in them. I wouldnt waste my soil filling that up if your only growing smaller sized plants, but hey do what ya want its your grow. But I think you plants look fine, a little yellowing during the flowering stage is normal ecspecially after week 4. I like to give mine a dose of veg nutes in week3 &4 of flowering so that the plant can get the nitrogen it needs to flower. From the pictures you have listed above, I see nothing that looks like fertilizer burn, your plants look good and Id be happy with how well your plants look and are growing. Mine are having a real problem and it isnt just one strain its all three and I cant keep the leaves from dieing and just breaking rite off.

2X Felon

Thanx to you both. These didn't get started until early-mid august and the bugs did a real number on em, but she pulled thru. I was going for bigger but don't think she got started early enough. If ya'll want I'll continue pics till she's done. Thanks again and pointers are awesome. Gonna cut down the can so the sun can get to the roots.That's a good one