IS the whole "stupid" or "histerical" high a myth or.....


Well-Known Member
Do you need to smoke a lot of herb cuz vaporizing a couple scoops (it might not be fully dry but after 12 hits it begins pumping out a lot of vapor THE No2 btw) oh afghani or even sour diesel hasnt had that effect. Nothing more than a nice mellowing and a buzzy warm blanket feeling all over with some fuzziness around the face/head.

Also is the high only supposed to last between .5-1.5 hours of realy feeling it because it dies completely after 3 like u cant tell at all, but i woulnt even consider it a high after about 1.5 just a afterglow.. a few months of daily vaping (less than a gram daily) shouldnt really bring up tolerance much should it? I mean what about the people who smoke a shit ton for decades?


Well-Known Member
I smoke a lot of bud I'm high for 30 min might feel it for an hour. I usually smoke every 45 min cause of that. But yes you can be very high, "stupid" no bit I've seen lots of people claim to be hallucinating and super fucked up. Its never happened to me or anyone I know. But listening to music can especially base or closing your eyes can give you a rolling falling moving etc feeling. laughingly uncontrolablu as well. All of this is true for sativas or low tolerance bad bout spelling don't feel like fixing at the moment


Well-Known Member
MAybe its that a sativa is needed to gett hat feeling where music is a physical like aura coming out of ur headphones in a way ud think you could see it if u close ur eyes only happened once that intense second time, first time no high at all


Well-Known Member
Yea that's why you get all these "old timers" saying today's bud isn't as potent or doesn't get them high like the 70s weed. Its not that today's bud is less potent cause its not its just all hybrids. Indicas have a lot of cbds which give the bud a "cieling" and a different affect. Normally unwilling to talk and move. Now I've never had 70s bud but I do grow landrace sativas I select out of Mexican/Columbia brick weed.. very different smoke if you've never had a true sativa. Your heart will pound give you racing thoughts ( and can cause quite a bit of anxiety) can even make your mouth numb while toking, no joke I've had people ask me if my weed was laced with some sort of upper. You can also find very psychedelic warm fuzzy dream like bud that is much smoother and won't cause an adrenaline rush type feeling...well that's pretty much what I get out of my bud I think I may have rambled a bit and and lost site of what I was typing though


Well-Known Member
Its so interesting how diff strains and species can be so wildly different apparently. If you vape about a gram daily will your tolerance really go up? Thats so little throughout 24 hour span.... I know people who are high all the time it seems and they SMOKE not vape so they would have to have a massive tolerance and waste so much weed if thats the case. Imagine needing several 1g joints to get high? That would suck big time!!!

ANd no worries it was an interesting ramble hahaha I like those lol

You think "Think Different (Auto from DP)" would give a full sativa high like that?


Well-Known Member
In my personal opinion your gonna have to get a real sativa. Mine flower between 16 weeks and 24. I know that's a pretty big gap but they are soooo slow. I've never had a strong sativa hybrid like Malawi gold think different or like cindy99 and Durban poison though.. so I can't really say but I will say that the African and columbian strains are known to be high in thcv, that will cut through any other high and leave you in awe, it also leaves you quick. And is what brings about the speedy high... Mexican is the dreamy psychedelic high I've never had thai, but everything that comes out of central america seems to be a hallucinogen and the weed is no different. It makes you feel very warm and cozy makes you wanna have sex and rub on things lol but yea I've heard those qualities in good hybrids like a cindy99 but In my opinion to get the true effect it should come from the source........I smoke about a qp a week and definately have a tolerance but I like it that way


Well-Known Member
In my personal opinion your gonna have to get a real sativa. Mine flower between 16 weeks and 24. I know that's a pretty big gap but they are soooo slow. I've never had a strong sativa hybrid like Malawi gold think different or like cindy99 and Durban poison though.. so I can't really say but I will say that the African and columbian strains are known to be high in thcv, that will cut through any other high and leave you in awe, it also leaves you quick. And is what brings about the speedy high... Mexican is the dreamy psychedelic high I've never had thai, but everything that comes out of central america seems to be a hallucinogen and the weed is no different. It makes you feel very warm and cozy makes you wanna have sex and rub on things lol but yea I've heard those qualities in good hybrids like a cindy99 but In my opinion to get the true effect it should come from the source........I smoke about a qp a week and definately have a tolerance but I like it that way

A qp a week is some serious dedication! You must smoke when the sun comes up till it goes down lol.


Well-Known Member
Half a g out my pipe every 45 min or so.. some say I have a problem I say they have a problem...


Well-Known Member
Hahah must be nice to smoke fresh herb every 45 minutes!

ALso, how much/fast does otlerance really build up? Is it no matter how much you smoke/eat or is it only if you smoke/eat a lot of it all the time.

I am really curious as to how long it takes with no cannabis at all in any form to completely wipe tolerance back to s if you have never smoked. It is defnitely possible imo. Happens with spicy food and other things so I wonder how long is enough. Esp with sub 15% body fat and a lot of sweating sometimes.


Well-Known Member
Alright well I'm 6'1 bout 180lbs so I'm pretty skinny but I work out a lot...this is for me atleast.tolerance is tricky, you will feel alot higher simply not smoking for a day but to get back to the beginning hmm 2 weeks and you'll be a trippin like you were in highscool. but as soon as you start smoking it'll be back. To truly lose it 3 weeks to a month imo. I went 2 weeks when I visited family in Alabama last summer. I would say I was really high for 3 days then it was coming back... but you will lose most of that wonder simply smoking a couple times aweek thats why I just prefer to stay high. I don't know ,smoke all you can ,don't stop till its gone. If you can still pick up the pipe you can still hit it..

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
My first hash kniver after quitting for 2 years was a trippy experience :) But my tolerance came back in a flash


Well-Known Member

I've never ever had trouble in this regard until... I discovered oils.
Never in my 20+ years of cannabis consumption.

I mean when I was in my early 20' s.. I had access to ” kind bud” haha (remember that term)
And access to the more common Mexican brick weed.

Of course, I was one of those guys that bought in rather large quantities, so I could ” smoke for free” if you follow.
I remember vividly smoking a minimum of 4-5 eighth-quarter oz. blunts per day.
The huge Optimos were my favorite.

Back on topic, unintentionally, I had gone months without smoking flowers, exclusively oil.

Now, just the smallest amount of plant matter is foul, I even tried half melt bubble= foul, I tried only kief = foul.

The bubble gave me a small buzz, also the kief, but not even close to just a single dab.
Hoping to grow some flowers I'll be able to smoke some top buds..but..I'm pretty sure all my plants will be harvested and cultivated the same way.
Keep some tops, strip fan leaves of the rest, let dry and into the tubes they go..whoo hooo

I cant wait to make my first 100 gram patty of errrl. :D


Well-Known Member
Lol I want a 100 gram patty of some dank errrl that sounds awesome! lol I wont get that much, but I think I will use my sour D for hash! Bubble or BHO tho thats the question!


Well-Known Member
I am a super lightweight. I smoked some sour diesel at a concert. I no lie, laughed for 30 mins straight. People were looking at my like WTF that guy is happy.