Is there any negatives to growing a photo in 18/6


Active Member
Say the plant flowers under 12/12
But light cycle switches to 18/6 what is the downside for the actual plant .

I know 12/12 is to trigger flowering but once it's transitioned what will flipping the light to 18/6 do


Well-Known Member
The pant will stay in veg state until around 15 hours of light, less can trigger flower. Less light time on is less energy, less growth. Going from 12 to 18 will put it back into veg. What are you trying to do?


Well-Known Member
Say the plant flowers under 12/12
But light cycle switches to 18/6 what is the downside for the actual plant .

I know 12/12 is to trigger flowering but once it's transitioned what will flipping the light to 18/6 do
Re reading this, it will put the plant back into vegetative state, basically transition back with some odd deformities and a bunch of lost time unless you are super cropping or have a plan or something. Most of us avoid this.


Well-Known Member
I really only do this with Regs …. first inkling of pistils then go back.
Helps ferret out possible males. But males also tend to be fast growers anyways.


Well-Known Member
I really only do this with Regs …. first inkling of pistils then go back.
Helps ferret out possible males. But males also tend to be fast growers anyways.
Thanks. That was a serious question, because I've never done it. How long does it usually take? I'm sure it depends on the age of the plant, but I might be wrong. Like I said I haven't done it personally. I have heard of people doing it though.