is there anybody else i need to yell at?


Well-Known Member
my "friends" keep finding the need to come to my house with strangers to show them my garden. they come over unexpectedly while i nap in the afternoon after staying up all night guarding my plants. they come over after calling first, but don't mention they are bringing strangers. they want to bring their gf next time to take some pics of her with my plants. they throw rocks on my lawn and laugh when i ask them to stop. i put up a gate to stop them all and they all keep coming.

does no one is this world today understand common "respect"?

i know i have my faults. i often get sick of myself. but the one thing i always try to do is put myself in the other persons place, FIRST.

an apology is not an apology when it's followed with "but i think you are wrong".

with friends like these, who needs friends? :finger:

rant on!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
"me and my girlfriend would love to come over and trim. if only just for an hour or so. we've never been part of all this and would like to experience it at least once."

wtf? you here to help or simply gain bragging rights?

it's ALWAYS bragging rights. as soon as it turns into "work" everyone bails.

my wife and i will trim it all this year, by ourselves.

with help like this, who needs help?

rant on!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
just say no you cant come over unless your by your self and if they show up with some one. then dont let them in. they should respect you and what you ask of them. if they want the dank weed you grow for them then they should have respect for you and what you do for them.


Well-Known Member
people in the store stop in the aisle without becoming AWARE of who and what they are blocking before they do it. they leave their baskets blocking both sides. who does this? who is so involved in their self that they lose all common sense?

stop for a split second and THINK.

rant on!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I absolutely despise inconsiderate people. But there's an endless horde of them, unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
i kinda set myself up for it by being nice in the first place. but i'm nice to people under the guise that they have some common sense. when i say "make yourself at home", that doesn't mean you can rearrange the furniture.

rant on!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
This is why I don't have many friends and my wife thinks I have borderline agoraphobia. Only it's not fear or panic attacks I worry about. It's not wanting to constantly fight the urge to make loud disparaging remarks about how oblivious people are and/or just start my own derby in the market. All I know is it's probably a good thing I'm not allowed to mount weapons on anything.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha I know exactly what you mean. People can misunderstand niceness. They take crap for granted. A swift kick in the ass will clear up any misunderstanding :).


Well-Known Member
This is why I don't have many friends and my wife thinks I have borderline agoraphobia. Only it's not fear or panic attacks I worry about. It's not wanting to constantly fight the urge to make loud disparaging remarks about how oblivious people are and/or just start my own derby in the market. All I know is it's probably a good thing I'm not allowed to mount weapons on anything.
im the exact same way, i dis like most people for some reason.


Well-Known Member
This is why I don't have many friends and my wife thinks I have borderline agoraphobia. Only it's not fear or panic attacks I worry about. It's not wanting to constantly fight the urge to make loud disparaging remarks about how oblivious people are and/or just start my own derby in the market. All I know is it's probably a good thing I'm not allowed to mount weapons on anything.

my wife and i were just trimming some nugs. things are quietly rolling along. without looking up i ask her "you wanna go kill some people?" she says "WHAT!?!?!" :shock: apparently she's not quite ready. probably better that way.

i hate some me some people.

rant on!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
at least your venting through RIU FDD and not on other people like some people im sure deserve it to be


Well-Known Member
at least your venting through RIU FDD and not on other people like some people im sure deserve it to be

oh, i've yelled at pretty much all my friends now. today i was cool though. i stated my points while staying under control.

here's how i saw it, ....

i had just laid down to try to nap. my seadoo blew up, it's 105 outside, i was up until 3am, i had just found that "comfy spot" and was drifting away.

my wife comes in, ... "joe's here. i told him you were sleeping, he said to wake you". she tells me he's not alone so i got up.

so i go out there and i say "you can't call first? and you brought strangers?"

he says "i lost my phone and that's my boss."

i say "so i guess i shouldn't worry about strangers while having plants in my yard. i suppose he wants to see them?"

he says "dude, don't trip. he has plants also."

he starts giving me "reasons" why he is here unannounced with strangers. and why it's "all cool".

so my point was, ... i felt he should have immediately realized his mistake and apologized. made sure i was cool, THEN give me his excuse/reason for being disrespectful. he felt i was over reacting. i wanted him to see where he crossed the line. he seemed more focused on the apology part. he apologized but he didn't get what i was saying. i told him i accept the apology if it is in realization to your error, and not just an apology. i wanted him to "get it". he didn't get it. he thought i was over reacting because i was sleepy. then he wanted to share his feelings. he told me to give him my number and he'd leave and come back after calling. i gave it to him. after i refused to listen to his feelings, all i wanted was him to show some respect, he threw my number on the ground and left. like a little girl. :)


Well-Known Member
sounds like he needs to have more respect for you, i would have been pissed if that happend to me, i had a friend come over once who said he was by him self and he knows i dont like people at my house so i answer the door and i see him and some other guy i knew him but i still didnt want him over i dont like many people that i know or dont know over i told my buddy and his friend to leave and he could come back the next day by him self. if they dont show or give you respect then they really shouldnt get any them selfs.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
friends mistaking "kindness for weakness" are assholes!!!! just cause I be nice that doesn't mean to walk all over me!!!!!

rant on!!!:cuss:


Well-Known Member
I don't know how easy it is to have "friends" while growing your own lil forest.
I say the two just don't go hand in hand.
Tell the jackass your place is not a fucking museum.
That shit would have me livid for days on end.


Well-Known Member
Dude that guy was a dick! That's exactly how i feel sometimes fdd. People just don't get stuff sometimes no matter what. They don't care about anyone but themselves, there's no use trying to argue with them. You don't need them in your life and you'll be a lot less stressed without them.


Well-Known Member
i put up a new gate at the end of my driveway about a month ago just because of this stuff. my wife was leaving just as he pulled up so he had to back out so she could leave. luckily she caught him at the gate. otherwise he said "i was going to go to your door but your wife stopped me at the gate". which i can only assume means he would have simply opened the gate and driven in.

hello? it's GATE!!! :wall:

he's one of these people that feel they have known me for 20 years so it's "all cool". he was telling me "not to worry" about who saw my garden. i don't understand how he feels that is his decision. i asked him to help me understand what he was thinking. he said he thought i was being selfish and over reacting.