Is there anything bad to drying plants on a table vs hung up?

Hello, I just stared drying and I wanna no if there is anything bad about laying out the bud on a table and letting it dry vs hanging it up. I always hear about hangin it up but never laying it out. Is it just quicker drying when u hang it up? laying it out with a big fan on them seems like it would do the job to me...


Well-Known Member
you will have to make sure to rotate them once in awhile if they are laying down because all sides need air flow or you can get mold
sorry, i didnt like my other post. but ya i just got them layin on a table on some paper towels, with a 20in box fan set on medium right on them. im just wanting to make sure its not gonna mess with tha oils or anything having them laying out like that but i hear about people dryin in paper bags, this isnt much different. so fan or no fan? and any other comments?


Well-Known Member
Your gonna dry them out to fast take the fan off them in dark dry them at 70 deg. And 50% humidity. Wait till they are crispy then in jars wait for about 12 hours then they will be moist again. Then lay them out till outside is dry then back in jars and burp everyday till desired dryness. This method takes anywhere from 3-5 days depending on denseness of buds.


Well-Known Member
Hang them so the buds down get crushed by their own weight. The longer you dry and slower the better the buds turn out... trust me