Is there something wrong with me?


Well-Known Member
Obvious answer is many things, but I'm worried about my obsession with collecting soils from strange places.

Every time I'm out for a walk or hike and I see some nice loam or soil I have to come back with a tub and collect some lol.

This time I walked each way (14km there and home as I'm a degenerate who has lost his license) with a 30L tub of loam I found lol. It looks amazing though. So uniform and fluffy. Everything growing in it looked amazing.
I think I officially need to get a life.
Looks like shit soil… sorry
I'm used to ground soil around here that's nothing but fill and limestone or straight red clay so I was a bit surprised at a consistency that wasn't just rocks. It beats paying $10-15 for bark chips, composted building materials and a sprinkle of peat moss from the local hardware store lol.

It can't be any worse than some of the bizarre mixes I conjure up in my wizard cave.
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My original plan was to take various soil samples from differing environments and check microbial levels with a scope to compare the life against pre prepared potting mixes but I have been lazy and done nothing of the sort lol. I've been looking for biologically heavy soil to use as an activator for potting mixes I create and a lot of the old timers here swear by using ground soil as a base for microbial activation in potting mixes.

Now I just have containers of soil from random places building up everywhere.
Looks like shit soil or dirt… sorry
Nah, looks like decent loam. I don't think you'll find too many references to that well known classification of "shit dirt" in the literature.

And besides, everything is relative. I live on land with the thickest most goopy clay. I would KILL for "shit dirt" like that.