Is there such thing as smart people anymore?


Well-Known Member
Well without an apostrophe between your I and m, and no apostrophe to show the lack of a G on losin' and no period at the end shows a lack of basic english rules so you are not a smart person.


Well-Known Member
i got a better question. whatever happened to respect? i almost got run over by a guy while i was coming out of a supermarket. i was in a crosswalk for christ sake and there are signs everywhere. state law. stop for pedestrians. mb he thought the sign said stop for pederasts. ok common mistake. but still.


Well-Known Member
Do you mean book smart or naturally intelligent?

As a whole, society is much more book smart than 100 years ago, our literacy rate is the inverse of that in the early 1900's.

Natural intelligence? There are still quite a few very intelligent people out there. BUT, a proper environment (nurturing) is critical in all but the truly gifted.

I originally came in to critique your title and initial post, but I was beat to it by someone who's obviously more motivated than me!

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member
Do you mean book smart or naturally intelligent?

As a whole, society is much more book smart than 100 years ago, our literacy rate is the inverse of that in the early 1900's.

Natural intelligence? There are still quite a few very intelligent people out there. BUT, a proper environment (nurturing) is critical in all but the truly gifted.

I originally came in to critique your title and initial post, but I was beat to it by someone who's obviously more motivated than me!
I also don't believe educated and intelligent are one and the same.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
i got a better question. whatever happened to respect? i almost got run over by a guy while i was coming out of a supermarket. i was in a crosswalk for christ sake and there are signs everywhere. state law. stop for pedestrians. mb he thought the sign said stop for pederasts. ok common mistake. but still.

What's a pederast, Walter?


Well-Known Member
i got a better question. whatever happened to respect? i almost got run over by a guy while i was coming out of a supermarket. i was in a crosswalk for christ sake and there are signs everywhere. state law. stop for pedestrians. mb he thought the sign said stop for pederasts. ok common mistake. but still.
Apparently you don't kick the cars of those who can't read like I do.


Well-Known Member
Intelligent people tend to have smaller families, as opposed to the we start breeding at 15 group.... so the ratio of idiots just grows faster, that's all.