Is this 45w led grow light any good.

Hello, I am planning on replicating this
For my first grow.

I have heard that led quality varies widely and that you can get a light that you want to trow in the trash :D Because this is my first grow I don't know how to identify a good grow led grow light. I am planning on using a red and blue led light called LUMERI sq45
Any opinions?

What's up man, thanks. The cabinet will be 1x2x2 but it will be lit from the side, like the video i posted.

I really should of watched the vid. I assumed it was like most micro cabs.
Interesting idea, not sure how practical it is since the buds are in very early development in the vid.

But assuming it works it might be a good option to go with strips if you can work it in to the build.
You can pick them up dirt cheap from digikey, maybe look at ledgardeners strip builds and get some ideas.
If you used a big PC tower the metal would act as a heatsink and keep some of the heat outside the space.

I feel the diode density on a board might be too much for such a close quarters space, where Birdgelux EB strips would be more spread out.

It doesn't have to be expensive but if your going to do it you don't want your lighting to be your weak link.
I really should of watched the vid. I assumed it was like most micro cabs.
Interesting idea, not sure how practical it is since the buds are in very early development in the vid.

But assuming it works it might be a good option to go with strips if you can work it in to the build.
You can pick them up dirt cheap from digikey, maybe look at ledgardeners strip builds and get some ideas.
If you used a big PC tower the metal would act as a heatsink and keep some of the heat outside the space.

I feel the diode density on a board might be too much for such a close quarters space, where Birdgelux EB strips would be more spread out.

It doesn't have to be expensive but if your going to do it you don't want your lighting to be your weak link.

Yes, I've heard that side lighting is the way to achieve great yields in such a small space. The creator of the video got 50g with ease. In the video there is a 80w light so 80g would probably be the max. The side lighting really does solve all height issues.

And it's super sneaky too, I will have it under my desk.