Is this a calcium deficiency?


Active Member
what is your PPM and pH? or what is your feeding regimine and medium? your leaves look a very dark green, may be too much N or overfert / nute burn.


PPM has been around 1100, I feed the solution every 2 waterings between 6.4-6.6PH. I think that PH may have been a bit high?


Active Member
in Soil? that may be an OK pH for soil, but I think the ppm's are a bit high for a sativa dominant strain. You may want to wait until the soils totally dried out and then do a flush with pH adjusted water, then feed around 800-900 ppm. I'm no expert but I think if it was a pH problem you'd be seeing some canoeing, rams horn, or twisting of the leaves. They look pretty normal in that regard, so I'd put my money on over fert. The leaves look too dark green anyway so they are at least getting too much N.

Another thing, if your RH% is low, you need a lower ppm due to how much more water the plants transpirate.