Is this a good grow location?


New Member
I'm absolutely inexperienced with growing marijuana but I've been reading the forums here as well as for the past few weeks. I'm finally home from university and have been looking for a good spot to grow.

I've taken a few pictures. Photo 1 and 4 show possible grow locations. Obviously, I will have to work on the soil and nutrients but is it possible to have a healthy grow in those locations? Photos 2 and 3 show the light coverage that the locations receive. Will it be sufficient for a healthy grow?

I live in the Northeastern US.

Thanks for any and all feedback!



Well-Known Member
Is that area frequented often? Is it in any sort of nature reservation or state park? If so no, terrible idea. How far is it from you is a factor, how often you will be tending. Are there look out points to where you can see if people are near your grow without you being spotted. There are some great videos on youtube about guerrilla growing. I suggest you watch.


New Member
So are they both viable locations?

Also, I'm not sure about the hours per day - I will update with that information.

@mr2shim To clarify, this is on my own personal property. It is not frequented often and I have selected it with great care. My question was mostly pertaining to the health and success of the plants that I'd be growing there. Any tips?


Well-Known Member
So are they both viable locations?

Also, I'm not sure about the hours per day - I will update with that information.

@mr2shim To clarify, this is on my own personal property. It is not frequented often and I have selected it with great care. My question was mostly pertaining to the health and success of the plants that I'd be growing there. Any tips?
Well hell if that's your own property I would grow on it, if a chopper flies over and you get a knock on your door you can always throw your hands up and say you've had trespassors. As far as the site, I think looks suitable, nice decent cover yet still plenty of sunlight.