Is this a good lighting system?


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering.

Is this a good lighting system?
Lighting System

How many plants could be grown with it?

Also, would I need a different type of lighting for the veg stage? then switch to this for flowering?

Sorry for the newb questions...



Active Member
Looks pretty go for a small grow room Its a pretty cheap price. No you wont need a diff. type of lighting for flowering you will be fine. 2 or plants top


Well-Known Member
ahhhhh you can grow 4 or 5 if you tie them down but i would spend a few more bucks and get a 400w set up bro!!i can get the same set up in a 400w for $200.00 to $250.00 you will be much much happier!!!


Well-Known Member
I plan on only growing 3 plants or so, so I purchased this product.

This is what I plan to grow with it.
White Widow

How long do I run the MH? and then when do I switch to HPS?

MH for 4 weeks, and then switch to HPS?

Also how high do I keep the light from the seedling compared to when it breaks surface, etc. ?

Thanks for all the help guys!