Is this a Hermie?!?

Just took the Males out, Noticed this Female also has balls?

Is it a Hermie?

If so anything I can do about it? If I also kill this one only leaves me 3 female plants!! =(



Active Member
Definitely got some male parts there. It looks like it is also getting close to bursting. I would ditch it, 3 females will get you a decent amount if done right.


bud bootlegger
yah, i see them in some other spots as well, definitely a full blown hermie.. i'd ditch it as well, and with a quickness as benround said, it looks like it's getting ready to blow it's load soon..
Don't know, A friend had them on a window sill, But couldn't keep them. So I took 7 of them in mid September. Gave one to a friend.

Then two def males, & this Hermie. So I only have 3 females left! lol If I get enough to reimburse me for the lights etc I'll be happy


Well-Known Member
you can probably save it but you need to buy a product called dutch master reverse. its a foliar spray and stops the production of male hormones. but you gotta get it quick, in the meantime segregate the plant from your others if possible and then systematically pull all the balls off and then wash the pot and the grow area down with bleach in case the balls have burst and sprayed pollen. and hope to christ they haven't or dm reveres is a necessity not just a potential idea. ive fixed over a dozen plants with the stuff so i can promise it works.
hmm weird, I had a quick google of Dutch master reverse, Seems about £14, I am really skint at the moment so I'll probably not bother for just the one plant.

Think I'll just separate it, cut all the balls off & see what happens


Well-Known Member
fair enough if your skint but tbh i always have the stuff avilable, its about £30 btw coz you need the penetartor with it also, but if it saves a plant its well worth it mate
Yeah it is a shame, but people saying looks ready to pop rather not risk it, Maybe If I'd caught it earlier.

Do you think that it could be stress related? cause when I was on holiday the sitter didn't water them for 9 days & the light was out completely for at least 3 days


Well-Known Member
sounds like stress although ive had plants hermie for no reason at all, in that circumstance you can only blame genetics. once your crops up go and buy dm reverse, its one of those things like epsom salts and neem oil every grower should have at hand. for the sake of £50 you can sort 99.9% of problems
Yeah If I sort out a more secure / Regular grow area then I'll invest a little more into it & do it right, At the moment its my first grow, so I'm just learning with this lot really.

Hopefully moving house soon already have the perfect place mapped out indoors, Just waiting to see what happens though =)