is this a male? w/ pic


Well-Known Member
:-( cant smoke a male?
what happens if he pollinates the others? do they stop buding?
Cant smoke a male, you can make hash though, its not worth
pollinating your bitches. IF YOU POLLINATE! It reduces THC
content due to production of seeds and plus you lose yield
because your shits all seedy, trust me just rip it up. Dont
belive me? Look up what to do with a male marijuana plant.
Sorry man. :sad:


Well-Known Member
yes, i'm sorry its a male and if you let it pollinate the others then they will be filled with seeds.. more seeds than bud unfortunately.. the best thing to do for your ladies get rid of him.


Well-Known Member
Are you serious? See those nuts?....get your cigar and smoke my friend...ITS A BOY!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Maybe alittle late in the game for stopping pollination. The minute he shakes that plant or moves it in any way the flood gates will open and pollen will come pouring out.