is this bad?


Active Member
the tip of tiw of my leaves have some brown spots on them. they showed up about 3 days ago i check the ph right away and it was low (like 5) so i fixed it back to 6.2 and it hasnt got any worse just wondering if its supposed to turn green again?



Well-Known Member
once its brown like that ,it stays like that.but your plants look healthy,I dont see any brown on new growth.


Well-Known Member
Your plants are fine. The older leaves will die off. Do not pull them off let them fall off by themselfs.

As long as you have healthy undergrowth you shold be fine.

Correct me if im wrong, but is that 5 plants in one 5 gallon bucket? If it is then that will be a big problem real in the next two weeks.


Well-Known Member
it looks like 5 tops in there.

Since its just one plant....keep up the good work...."she" looks great.


Well-Known Member
hippieman just curious why do you say clone that becuase it has 5 leaves? is there a better genetic in the leaf # or pattern?


Well-Known Member
Depending on how the grow goes, it looks like he will have 5-6 really good sized buds off that plus whatever come off the under branch.
He is prob saying to clone that for the genes and the fact it looks to be a good breeder. Even if it does turn to be male he can cross back the pollen for a generation or two and get a really fat 5 headed female off the seeds.
Or I could be wrong and hippie meant something totally diff.