Is this casued by PH problems (leaves are dry and brown)


Active Member
Hi :)

I'm running a DWC, week 3 of veg and for the last week or so my leaves have been turning a different color and drying up.

- pics

The PH has been rising quite a lot i try to set it to about 5.8 but in 24 hours it will be around 6.5 or something.

I'm using Home & Garden nutrients and following their dosage recommendations but this week i started to only add about 75% or what they recommend.

Strain is Afghan from Ilovegrowingmarijuana

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thankyou :)
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yeah it looks like ph probs...strange it's drifting so you keep your rez at a constant temp? are you using any nutes that self ph ??you need a temp controller if you have temp swings where your rez is
yeah it looks like ph probs...strange it's drifting so you keep your rez at a constant temp? are you using any nutes that self ph ??you need a temp controller if you have temp swings where your rez is

Hey mate, thanks for your reply. Res temp is pretty stable and controlled by an aquarium cooler with a pump which turns on when temp gets too high. Res temp is set to 20 - 21 c. Room temp is set to around 25 - 27 c.

Using new nutes this time - House and Garden aquaflakes and additives ( I've heard good things but never used before. They recommend to set to 5.8 - 6.0... Perhaps i should set to lower (5.5) and let the ph drift up a bit more? It seems to drift a lot during the first couple days after a water change then settles more but still drifts upwards. I'm using 20L of water for my res and changing once a week. I'm now checking PH twice a day but previously only once a day. Hopefully the problem will clear up in the new growth. :)
yeah looks like you'll have to set it 2 or 3 times a day if you can't figure it out...does your rez need cleaning??
yeah looks like you'll have to set it 2 or 3 times a day if you can't figure it out...does your rez need cleaning??

I'm only 3 weeks in and I cleaned everything with hydrogen peroxide before i started so i doubt it. I think I may have let the PH get too high at one point... Hopefully it will sort itself out in the next couple of days.

Thanks for your help :)
My PH drifts all over the place and the plants don't seem to care. You should check your EC. I had a few plants looking like that recently and they were actually hungry.
My PH drifts all over the place and the plants don't seem to care. You should check your EC. I had a few plants looking like that recently and they were actually hungry.

Cheers mate,

EC is at 1.6 and its 3rd week of veg, do you think thats OK?

I noticed today the tips of some of the new growth are getting the same problem :(
What do the roots looks like? Can you post some pics and are you using any benefial bacteria or anything to keep the res sterile?
What do the roots looks like? Can you post some pics and are you using any benefial bacteria or anything to keep the res sterile?

Hey mate,

Lights are off now but ill take some pics tomorrow and post. Not using any beneficial bacteria or anything to keep the res sterile that I know of in the house and garden range. I do have some old dutchmasters gold zone that I could use though and also hydrogen peroxide.

Thanks for your help :)
Hey mate,

Lights are off now but ill take some pics tomorrow and post. Not using any beneficial bacteria or anything to keep the res sterile that I know of in the house and garden range. I do have some old dutchmasters gold zone that I could use though and also hydrogen peroxide.

Thanks for your help :)
I run bennies so I would use the dutch master gold zone, by looking at the pics it looks more like root rot to me but it could be PH issues if your PH has been out of range for a sustained period of time but I think you said only for 1 day the PH was real high.

Edit: if it does turn out to be rot I would run peroxide first for maybe a week to clean off the roots first before then running the gold zone
I run bennies so I would use the dutch master gold zone, by looking at the pics it looks more like root rot to me but it could be PH issues if your PH has been out of range for a sustained period of time but I think you said only for 1 day the PH was real high.

Edit: if it does turn out to be rot I would run peroxide first for maybe a week to clean off the roots first before then running the gold zone

Here is a picture of the roots and some more of the leaves:

I think the brown stuff at the top of the roots is buildup from the nutrients (they seem to leave a brown sludgy residue as the addititives are very dark brown/almost black...) but that being said i'm not 100% sure.

I had a thought that maybe I removed the bubbler too early resulting in the plants not gettng enough nutes? The problems started happening after I removed the bubbler so I've re-installed that.

Do you still think its root rot? If so how much peroxide should i put in the res?

Thanks for your help!
Here is a picture of the roots and some more of the leaves:

I think the brown stuff at the top of the roots is buildup from the nutrients (they seem to leave a brown sludgy residue as the addititives are very dark brown/almost black...) but that being said i'm not 100% sure.

I had a thought that maybe I removed the bubbler too early resulting in the plants not gettng enough nutes? The problems started happening after I removed the bubbler so I've re-installed that.

Do you still think its root rot? If so how much peroxide should i put in the res?

Thanks for your help!

It looks like all of the roots are all squeezing out of one hole in the net pot. Could that be constricting things or am I just really high and seeing the picture wrong?
It looks like all of the roots are all squeezing out of one hole in the net pot. Could that be constricting things or am I just really high and seeing the picture wrong?
You may be really high but you are seeing the picture right lol

The roots are all coming through one or two holes. This may be because i removed the water bubbler too early (as soon as i saw the first 2 roots touch the water in the res).
That's rot mate i'm pretty sure, not from seeing the roots so much as hard to tell as your using dark coloured additives but definitely from the leaves as I had the same thing before, this was from a couple grows ago 999237_spliff-cheese-dwcspliff-seedsspliff-cheese_m.jpg

First thing you wanna do is make sure there are 100% no light leaks, are you in UK?
That's rot mate i'm pretty sure, not from seeing the roots so much as hard to tell as your using dark coloured additives but definitely from the leaves as I had the same thing before, this was from a couple grows ago View attachment 4544677

First thing you wanna do is make sure there are 100% no light leaks, are you in UK?

Hey mate, there are no light leaks as far as I can tell but ill double check.

Clean the rez and add hydrogen peroxide. To a weaker nutes solution. The ph is rising due to some nasties

Cheers mate,

How much hydrogen peroxide should I add? Is it safe to leave the plant in there while I run a hydrogen peroxide solution through the system to clean it out?

Thanks for all the help guys!
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I used this stuff, its hydrogen peroxide based but it lasts in the res for up to 5 weeks whereas the straight peroxide I think you need to add to the res every couple of days as it's not stable.

Thanks mate. I'll try and remember to update as things change (hopefully for the better!) :)