Is this extraction method viable


New Member
Okay for some time now I have been extracting using qwet and distalation

I want to get a little further into my extraction process

I was thinking

Soxhlet --> winterize --> distill --> n-hexane polishing --> distill --> vaccum purge

I want to make sure I am grabbing everything I can then work on that extraction

(This is before I can get myself a rotovap and shorpath distillation setup)

Would this be a good setup and process ?

Better then washing cold in jars and catching cloyphyl still

O was thinking catch it all and polish for a better yield
If you are going to Soxhlet, I suggest using pentane or hexane, rather than alcohol.

If you use alcohol for the first extraction and hexane polish, there is no need to distill off the alcohol first. Just mix the alcohol, hexane, and brine together and after shaking and settling, bleed off the alcohol and water in a separatory funnel.

sorry, no help, but what is winterize? im guessing its an alcahol , as the n-hexane is a non polar solvent
If you are going to Soxhlet, I suggest using pentane or hexane, rather than alcohol.

If you use alcohol for the first extraction and hexane polish, there is no need to distill off the alcohol first. Just mix the alcohol, hexane, and brine together and after shaking and settling, bleed off the alcohol and water in a separatory funnel.

Thanks for the input what a help ... I came across the graywolfslair wich gave me the initial idea of poloshing

I currently do soxhlet with ethanol

One of my biggest concerns is the explosion rate of hexane

I do alot of my stuff indoors and have minimal ventilation (couple windows and fans blowing)

I am currently waiting till I can buy an EP hood

So doing hexane on soxhlets indoors wouldn't this increase my chances of problems

I liked the idea of polishing as I could do my extract indoors then polish up using hexane outdoors until I can get my lab fully setup
Thanks for the input what a help ... I came across the graywolfslair wich gave me the initial idea of poloshing

I currently do soxhlet with ethanol

One of my biggest concerns is the explosion rate of hexane

I do alot of my stuff indoors and have minimal ventilation (couple windows and fans blowing)

I am currently waiting till I can buy an EP hood

So doing hexane on soxhlets indoors wouldn't this increase my chances of problems

I liked the idea of polishing as I could do my extract indoors then polish up using hexane outdoors until I can get my lab fully setup
Soxhleting with a polar solvent like ethanol extracts boatloads of non-targeted undesirables like chlorophyll that are not easily removed. I suggest using QWET with ethanol. If you can do it at -30C/-50C you can avoid the water solubles and molecules larger than C-22 like waxes, carotene, chlorophyll, and pheophytin, so as to not need a hexane wash.

Boiling Hexane is definitely a safety concern, and I would not do it indoors without proper ventillation.
Soxhleting with a polar solvent like ethanol extracts boatloads of non-targeted undesirables like chlorophyll that are not easily removed. I suggest using QWET with ethanol. If you can do it at -30C/-50C you can avoid the water solubles and molecules larger than C-22 like waxes, carotene, chlorophyll, and pheophytin, so as to not need a hexane wash.

Boiling Hexane is definitely a safety concern, and I would not do it indoors without an engineered extraction cabinet or outdoors.
Tbh pal after so much research and pondering I decided to get right to it spend the cash and brought a rotary evaporator and distaltion setup

I thought the same myself

The reason I want to use soxhlet is because I am working and mass and trying to make it into more of a production line

Using soxhlet guarantees I have everything in there

Then distill into separate compounds

The advice was amazing a canceled my order on hexane and just went for a route I reckon I can work with in my environment
I take my hat off to all you who safely and successfully make these elaborate extractions. I'm just a simple bubble hash and nug smasher kinda guy.