is this gonna be effective???


ok so im germinating some seeds right now and im tryen to do it for cheap cheap cheap so i kno all the right ways to grow weed but i wanna kno if this will work .... plastic cups with soil at the bottom of an all white bucket with one fan blowing air threw a self made whole and a regular light from walmart on top of the bucket... i kno its ghetto but would this be enough to grow the lil guy??? if not can you give me cheap tips that will help


Active Member
I'm assuming that by regular light you mean a round incandescent bulb? You'd be better off getting one or two cfl's from walmart. they're super cheap, just make sure you get a cool white bulb or something similar (6500k) and if you're trying to do it cheap then you could keep them in the window until the sun goes down then move them under the light. that'll work all the way through the veg state but once you decide you want to flower you're going to need more light otherwise you'll just be wasting your time. Either way throw that incandescent bulb out it won't do any good.


Well-Known Member
It is possible to grow more than one plant in one container but cover the bucket in black electrical tape if it is white roots will brown up if they get the littlest ammount of light.Also these plants are gonna need alot more water than if you just grow one in a pot.Use alot of perlite to airate the soil with it been more than one plant i would do a 70% soil30% perlite then mix well.The bigger the bucket or tub that fits the grow area the better so that the roots will intangle with each other getting big.I am a great advacator of watering once a week but this grow will need to be watered at least 2 times a week.Water just before the lights go off and add some sort of cover around the tubs.Try for something white so it will bounce light back up to the underside of your plants.But i have only ever done a few gows in this manner so don't over crowd the plants the yeild will be far less the more you put in.Find a good nutrient like vitalink i cut my teeth on this and still use it now great product there is a veg/flower.Have the lights has close has possible without burning the plants but not to high the plants will become leggy.You want a good h.p.s and a good exaust fan a large ossalateing fan and your set dude.


Well-Known Member
i got 2 soft white fluorescent lights will that do each is 23 watt but says its equivalent to 100wtt each...
If they are soft white, they are probably more in the 2700K, or red, color spectrum. Does it say on the side? You want the bright white, or daylight, bulbs for vegging (6500K) - and two should work fine, for a few weeks.:peace: