Is this how you make magic mushrooms?


Well-Known Member
Step 1 Mix vermiculite with water the add brow rice flour

Step 2 put in jars not to pack in then add dry vermiculite on top just 1 cm of dry vermiculite put 2 layers of tin foil onto top of jar

Step 3 sterilize them with pressure cooker or a pot with lid?

Step 4 inject them with spores

Step 5 wait for germination and colanize

Step 6 when ready put in a grow box and wait till mushrooms come up?


Well-Known Member
Step 1 Mix vermiculite with water the add brow rice flour

Step 2 put in jars not to pack in then add dry vermiculite on top just 1 cm of dry vermiculite put 2 layers of tin foil onto top of jar

Step 3 sterilize them

Step 4 inject them with spores

Step 5 wait for germination and colanize

Step 6 when ready put in a grow box and wait till mushrooms come up?
in a very condensed way, yup, that's it.


Well-Known Member
Step 1 Mix vermiculite with water the add brow rice flour

Step 2 put in jars not to pack in then add dry vermiculite on top just 1 cm of dry vermiculite put 2 layers of tin foil onto top of jar

Step 3 sterilize them with pressure cooker or a pot with lid?

Step 4 inject them with spores

Step 5 wait for germination and colanize

Step 6 when ready put in a grow box and wait till mushrooms come up?
in a nutshell yep,

If I were you, I would just noc a few wbs jars with spores and spawn that to a bulk sub. IMHO it easier than pftek


Well-Known Member
Does it have to be a grow box can you put in a small container? I seen a guy using a storage container what do you need to do to use the same technique


Well-Known Member
Does it have to be a grow box can you put in a small container? I seen a guy using a storage container what do you need to do to use the same technique
You need to do a little more research, lots of stuff you don't understand yet.

first decide if your going with pf tek or going with a bulk approach.

if you go with cakes aka pftek then build a SGFC (shotgun fruiting chamber)

if you go with bulk, inoculate wbs(wild bird seed) jars with spores, then spawn that to a bulk sub in a mono tub.

this is a monotub (notice 6 larger stuffed holes.)


this is the sgfc (notice the small holes)


ask questions here and ill try answer them for you


Well-Known Member
ok thats pftek, using the shotgun fruiting chamber. just google shotgun fruiting chamber and follow the instructions EXACTLY


Well-Known Member
Any grain that hydrates nicely and Doent burst easily will work. Millet, rye berries, corn, rye grass seed, like that.