Is this in flowering stage?


So I am obviously a first time grower and while I have done research on things and know for the most part the phases and everything, I am a little curious on this. I am growing outdoors and I have a plant that is about 4 foot tall 3 and a half foot tall in a 5gal bucket. It has been topped once and has been LST'ed to have about 7 main branches that shoot straight up to the 3 and 1/2 ft mark. LOTS of bud sites. For my first grow this is going very well I believe. Starting to have a little problem with powder mildew but taking care of it and is responding well to treatment since it was caught so early. NOW, my question. Is the picture provided a photo of a plant that is already IN flowering, or is it still considered pre-flowering? Note that this isn't my image, but this is exactly what my plant looks like right now. My plant is a decent distance from me and I didn't feel like going back out with my camera, but this picture is very accurate to what my plant has going on. Lots of sites just like the ones shown, they may be a bit smaller, but noticeable, especially on top of the plant. Really just curious to know if this is still considered pre flowers or if this is the start of flowering so i can change up the nutes.

Thanks Guys


Ok great, thanks a lot. That helps a lot to know and is a lot better than I thought. Growing in the midwest so hopefully getting it done by mid October, but I understand that the plant decides when it's ready