Is This Kinda look ok


Well-Known Member
Hi guys I'm knot from thailand I'm super new here,I got some seed from My left over and I decide to grow them.I have grow them for two weeks now I give them light for 20-24 hr under my 36 watz lamp Every thing is ok but I just want t know is this normal for young marijuana to grow high like this? (about 3inch)
and I have design My grow box now
it is about 1.2*50*1.10 cm/cm/cm is that will be enough for 6-8 plant

thank you



Active Member
cant expect to grow successfully with a 36 watt lamp i hope... u can get some low wattage l.e.d's that would work- or some cfl's but at least 5,000 lumens is neccessary in my opinion-- stem looks so long bec its reaching for the light- bring light closer like 2 inches from tip of plant- shld even out


Active Member
As long as you know you need more light, I would say 18hrs on and 6 hours off, for the grow stage, And then drop it to 12 and 12.


Well-Known Member
two ways .....either in veg state where its in the mature stage and ur ready for 12/12 or when you are in 12/12 either the 1st week or the second week