Is this light/lumen burn? of some deficiency? DNA Kushberry HELP


hey guys. I just put my girls under the 400 after about 6 weeks under a flouro (being grown out and topped a few times)

1. Are you growing from seed or clones?

These are from seed.

2. How old are your plants?

The plants were started around Sept 5

3. How tall are your plants?

They currently stand about 8-10 inches tall. I've been keeping them small under a flouro while I topped.

4. What size containers are they planted in?

3 Gallon smart pots

5. What is your soil mix?

FFOF, amended with Roots OregonismXL. about 2 tbps per 3 gallon container.

6. How often do you water and what type of water do you use?

I water when they need it (when they're light/dry). I use tap water that has been left out to evaporate, that has had an airstone bubbling in it.

7. What is the pH of your water?

Always in the 6-6.5 range

8. What kind of fertilizer do you use and what is its NPK ratio?

I havent added fertilizer since the transplant in to the 3g smart pots

9. Do you foliar feed or spray your plants with anything?

I've used azamax as a preventative once since transplant. it was at lights out.

10. What kind of lights do you use and how many watts combined? (HPS, MH, fluorescent, halogen, incandescent "plant lights")

Until 7 days ago, they were under an 2x24 inch t5. At the transplant, I moved them in to the new room and under a 400w HPS.

11. How close are your lights to the plants?

They were about 20 inches away, and after seeing what I thought may be burn developing after 2-3 days I backed the lights off to almost 30 inches from the canopy. The temperature near the canopy is normal. No radiant heat (there was some initially, hence moving the lights)

12. What size is your grow space in square feet?

They are in a 2x3 foot space.

13. What is the temperature and humidity in your grow space?

Both within the normal range.

14. What is the pH of the soil?

I have not tested run off, but I transplanted in to FFOF 7 days ago and only 6.5pH evaporated bubbled tap water has gone in since. I seriously doubt this is a pH issue.

15. Have you noticed any insect activity in your grow space?

A few ants got in the house and i saw one or two near the garden. literally just one or two. i put traps down. haven't seen any more.

16. How much experience do you have growing?

I have several successful runs under my belt, but this is a new room. I just set it up. Could this be the light burn from the first 2 or 3 days finally really manifesting itself, even though the issue has since been corrected?

the room has plenty of airflow, and there is a small fan circulating air around the canopy and upwards, which keeps the canopy area nice and cool.

WTF IS THIS? Lumen burn? light burn? magnesium deficiency? but how? it's hot soil to begin with, i've never had a deficiency from fresh FFOF



Well-Known Member
Your plants need some micro nut so. There are alote of ?.
U can find all your answer by reading some thread so


Well-Known Member
You should be able to keep a 400 around 12" above the plants. @ 30" they aren't getting much light and that may be causing the leaf droop. You may need to give them a dose of nutes, as you have probably used up the pre-loaded ferts in the soil (7 weeks). They look good so far. Happy growing!