Homebrewer's got a pizz-oint. Sometimes the pre-flower sexing is calyxes growing before a white hair. . . . .very rare but it can happen. If more balls show up its a dude for sure but you got a smaaaaall chance still.
If you really wanna get something out of that plant, shred it in a food processor and make some tea. That tea is a fond memory of my first grow, it works. Don't smoke it or your head is gonna split in two.
If you only got the one plant going you may as well flower it and freeze some pollen. Free seeds are never bad. Put pollen in a plastic bag, wrap it around a female branch, seal it then shake vigorously. One branch pollinated gives you enough seeds to grow smalltime for years.
And why the fuck are you asking us to sex a plant and willing to smoke pollen if you've done HPS grows before? I smell bullshit.