Is this mold on my weed?


Well-Known Member
I have my bud stored in a tight-vac plastic container. today i noticed that it looks like this:

Is this mold? It smells and tastes normal. I have had this weed for about a month stored in a tight-vac container...


Well-Known Member
Does not look like mold to me. I see one purple/black looking spot but it's hard to tell if it could be mold or not.


Well-Known Member
maybe im just paranoid lol. I do not remember white crystals that big on it...but yet again I have 3 different batches of weed in my jar. The oldest batch is about 1.5 months old. I remember a nug being kinda moist when I put it in there.


Well-Known Member
I looked through a 30x scope, and you could clearly see the mold spores. I just flushed em down the toilet..didn't want to risk an infection :(

Like I said earlier...the weed was kinda moist when I go it...time to refill :)


Well-Known Member
Its mold.. tastes a bit kak but you can smoke it... in my experience more potent...


Well-Known Member
from what ive heard, moldy bud is pretty bad for your health. Couldnt imagine it to be more potent..?


Well-Known Member
I agree molds and spores are probably not good, and in some cases can be very dangerous/lethal...

But I have smoked bankies full of moldy weed in my life.. still here... trust me on the potency... that stuff draws your eyes closed like shutters.


Well-Known Member
I agree molds and spores are probably not good, and in some cases can be very dangerous/lethal...

But I have smoked bankies full of moldy weed in my life.. still here... trust me on the potency... that stuff draws your eyes closed like shutters.
Ok i belive you, might be good for my bedtimes then haha, i need an extream couchlock to get me to sleep, its fun but it sucks too coz when I'm out of bud I can only sleep 1 or 2 hours max at night..


Well-Known Member
DO NOT smoke moldy buds. ANC, give me one, just one plausible reason, as to how and why mold would get you higher! Dumb assed info like that will get some kid put in the hospital. Johny 16 year old wont see anything past "get's you higher" and that's all they will see.

PLEASE get your head out of your ass. Don't post bogus info that is possibly harmful!


Well-Known Member
I am entitled to post my opinion and experience...
I have been a daily smoker for close to 20 years now, and smoked enough crap like that in desperation...

I'm not sayig go out and actively seek it... just saying the chances of it harming you is probably less than getting in a car accident.

I have some news for you... NONE of us are getting out of here alive.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and I may not get out of here alive, but that is NO reason, to possibly add pain and suffering to my exit.


Well-Known Member
Jesus, I don't know... why does oxygen make you high when you breath too much?
I just stated my experience... add to it the experiences of others and learn from it.
None is makeing you do anything.


Well-Known Member
That is Lightheaded NOT High. Big difference. Hell, I can get lightheaded from holding my breath, but that doesn't cause mold to GROW inside my lungs!
I'm done with you now.
Kids, Adults, and/or whatever you are, DO NOT SMOKE MOLDY WEED!


Well-Known Member
Dude , your depressing me . Now i have to go self medicate. See what you drive me to do!!!! AaAaHhHhHh!!!!!!! fucking shit!!! j/k smoke shards of glass for all i care. it just doesn't sound like a good idea to smoke MOLD!!! they have companies just to rid of the shit so why in the name of Jack Herrer would you smoke it ???? LMFAO!!!


Well-Known Member
the reason y im sayin its not a good idea simply becuz ive seen n had friends who lived in ghetto n had moulds growin n one of them has to go ....tooo much explaining lol i dont wanna just quit the post either....but mold is airborne so if a person is stuck in a room with mould on it hell get sick just by breathing. swo smoking mold on purpose is just like taking bad drugs imo so maybe u can get high of it but its not proven safe. mold without smokin it is already bad for humans so i dont think we have to make research its bad for u....but it may get u higher