is this normal??


hey guys how you doin?i have those royal dwarf automatic...i am at 5 weeks now...!
almost before 2 weeks they start flowering but they are still short!is that normal?i live in the country i use only the mother nature...sun and water!they will grow more?should i left them?they continue to make buds ore something?are they healthy?




Well-Known Member
they look really nice.
are they directly in the sun light? or you have them in a sunroom?
and hows the wind in your area? normally ones i see outdoor grown have thicker stems


Well-Known Member
Get some more of mother nature (compost) and some man-made (bigger container).

Your mother nature (well water) may not be what your plants like to drink (hard water?)


na man they are straight at sun.from 7 in morning until it gets night;)
i have too much wind because of the position that they are...they will get more buds right?they need any nuts or something?i dont wanna lose them;)

kbo ca

Active Member
na man they are straight at sun.from 7 in morning until it gets night;)
i have too much wind because of the position that they are...they will get more buds right?they need any nuts or something?i dont wanna lose them;)
Wind will stress out your plant, cause it to slow growth, which makes for a smaller plant with a smaller yield. The plant looks fed, and if it's getting plenty of sunlight and warmth, and you have a nutrient rich soil, I'm willing to put my money on the wind factor. A makeshift windbreaker would be nice and cheap to make. You can buy greenhouse plastic at homedepot and they will cut it down for you. Take some measurements and draw up a simple plan to block the wind. I would say it would cost you less than 20 bucks for all your materials. Respect