Is this Nute Lock ? Pics


Active Member
I got these two clones of super skunk 5 days ago and I've noticed the stems have turned a bit purple. I haven't given them any nutes at all yet besides what was provided in the initial soil mix. My Soil mix is 1 part soil to 1 part perlite to .5 part sand. They are under a 250w hps with good ventilation. I ph my water to just under 7. Is this the dreaded "purple stem" I've read about, and if so, what can I do to save my two little girls...



Well-Known Member
relax :-) purple stems are a common genetic dispostion of a lot of skunks. It is also a sign of stress which also makes sense because your clones are trying to develop a new root system. Your plant looks pretty healthy at this point.


Well-Known Member
Red-spectrum colors, like purple, maroon, etc . . . are usually genetic. I worry if I DON'T see purple stems.


Active Member
haha. :) see what happens when you read and watch too many videos without enough hands on experience. But thanks for the quick response. I can rest easy now...
