is this overkill??

will I yeild more if I keep all 4 lights on???

  • yes

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • no

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Well-Known Member
Hi guys a quick question: do you think this setup is to much for 1 plant?? In other words will the extra lighting potentially yeild me more weed? I had them so o thought I would use them?? There pulling 350 frow the wall and if you go by the watts on the box it totals 800.
I haven't notice any bleaching yet and they seem to love it.




Well-Known Member
Yea! That's what I was thinking.
I do have abut 5x hps setups packed away but I just love these leds???
I have done a lot of reading and watching other people's grow journeys with bottom of the line led/Chinese led that Alot of people slate because of where they come from. I have found that the budget leds I purchased have done better on my first grow using them than Alot of people's grows who spent $$$$$ and ended up yeilding a crop only worthy of the bin in my opinion???. Bottom line I think is to just look after them the best you can?



Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree that 'sometimes' the cheaper leds are better. Without all the extra lenses that fry plants. Just a targeted spectrum that you can sit right on top of the plants. Looking really good. I'd leave it the way it is. Why change anything?


Well-Known Member
With so much light you'd probably get great value from one of those 30 dollar co2 bottles. By all accounts you should get easily 15% more yield for no extra effort. The plant could take higher temps and heavier feeding.


Well-Known Member
I have been looking into co2 when I do my dwc grow in the winter.I do have this krazy love for leds even thou they won't produce like hps I just like how fancy looking thay are . My buds are a little small but there is a good 5 weeks flowering left and thats only intil i might flush. So yeild I'm looking maybe at 1-1/2Oz dry guestimaring at this point???? Any ideas? She is 4weeks into flower today veg from seed 46 days and this bb cheese is a 8/9 week flowering strain.I topped her about 4 times and each time I topped 2 sites so 8tops topped lol20160906_142410.jpg 20160906_142420.jpg 20160906_142416.jpg 20160907_102054.jpgy20160906_142410.jpg 20160906_142420.jpg 20160907_102054.jpg

Sorry uploaded that last picture twice buy is all good in my grow tent?? US my cheese bitch look like she might spit 2ounce at me maybe????


Well-Known Member
With so much light you'd probably get great value from one of those 30 dollar co2 bottles. By all accounts you should get easily 15% more yield for no extra effort. The plant could take higher temps and heavier feeding.
Wish this were true,not gonna make a difference without being sealed and 7500/10000 lm/ft.. save the money instead lol


Well-Known Member
This strain doesn't mind high temp and isn't that bothered about the night drop on temp's been between 26.5c/31.5 lights on & 24.5c/27.0c night temp????? Maybe thay are not as susceptible to slightly higher temp like most people say? ?I don't know but I think I'm doing ok since I only started growing back in April last year


Well-Known Member
I'm learning slow man!!

I will become a jedi master grower one day if I keep training those steams and dialing inn a good feeding scedule once I have found a nutrient line I'm happy with and fully understand how they all work.
this subject is mind blowing in terms of the knowledge one can posses after 30 years and still be descovering new things all the time? I'm excited


Well-Known Member
Looks beautiful man. You should expect to get more than 2 ozs from 350 wats.

When estimating yield the starting point is amount of light. Other factors act as multipliers to that. co2, eenvironment,, nutes etc.

Heres a thread where people report their grams per wat on their led grows. Lots of cheap Chinese panel being used to great effect.

Lets be conservative and say you do as well as one of the lowest at, say .5 gpw. (Remember this is a self selected survey, the guys pulling .2gpw aren't likely to put themselves forward )

350w * .5 =175 gs or 6ozs.


Well-Known Member
This strain doesn't mind high temp and isn't that bothered about the night drop on temp's been between 26.5c/31.5 lights on & 24.5c/27.0c night temp????? Maybe thay are not as susceptible to slightly higher temp like most people say? ?I don't know but I think I'm doing ok since I only started growing back in April last year
With led's id imagine you can get into the mid 80's (30c?) no problem.. It does kind of depend on the strain and lights used though..


Well-Known Member
You should be looking to get between .5 and 1 gram per watt, so you should get around 175-350 grams.


Well-Known Member
With led's id imagine you can get into the mid 80's (30c?) no problem.. It does kind of depend on the strain and lights used though..
Most people seem to agree ambient temps can be a few degrees hotter with leds than hps.

Anyway, just look at your plant. I see zero signs of stress or an issues really.
Wish this were true,not gonna make a difference without being sealed and 7500/10000 lm/ft.. save the money instead lol

Isn't he at the upper limit for light, any more would be overkill and risking bleaching? Its only one plant and his ceiling is plastered with leds. Light and co2 (and water) are by far the two (three) most important resources for a plant.

Would one of these not have a significant impact on photosynthesis rate?

I genuinely want to hear why because I'm just about to drop 80 euro on a refill for one of those co2 buckets with a pump. (I already bought one for 120 with the pump. I assume now thats even dumber than ther 30 dollor bottles)


Well-Known Member
Over here were I live most grower will have there flower room running higher. Most will run there rooms at 30 to 32 that's with hps


Well-Known Member
Most people seem to agree ambient temps can be a few degrees hotter with leds than hps.

Anyway, just look at your plant. I see zero signs of stress or an issues really.

Isn't he at the upper limit for light, any more would be overkill and risking bleaching? Its only one plant and his ceiling is plastered with leds. Light and co2 (and water) are by far the two (three) most important resources for a plant.

Would one of these not have a significant impact on photosynthesis rate?

I genuinely want to hear why because I'm just about to drop 80 euro on a refill for one of those co2 buckets with a pump. (I already bought one for 120 with the pump. I assume now thats even dumber than ther 30 dollor bottles)
When we look at temps, it also plays its part with relative humidity and radiant temps. The more radiant temp your light puts out, the less ambient/root temp you can get away with but this also depends on genetics ect generally anything past 90f ambient indoor is harsh but survivable with some setups and strains

there are two reasons for c02 supplementation

Reason 1, you grow in a sealed environment and need a steady release of c02 because yeah, the plants used it all lol

Reason 2, you have boosted your plants metabolic rate and now your weakest link is insufficient c02 ppm (takes more then light to do this and anything that slows growth will just take you back to square one along with a hole in your pocket)