Is this plant normal?


Active Member
Hi all, have a noob question about my plants, hope you can help. I've posted here because I still know nothing compared to most of you!

I have a grow on the go, 9 X Cheese (Amsterdam Seed Bank), in a Bud Box with 400W HPS Cool Tube, RVK Fan and Coco 'Soil' with good nutes, temps. & P.H. but my plants have developed this funny thing of growing 3 branches at each point off the stem instead of 2 (see pic).

None of my previous plants have shown this trait and just wondered if it was this strain (never grown it before) or it was any conditions that might make my plants do this. They're about 18 days vegging from breaking the soil in seed trays. They seem a little short but again could be the strain. Not too bothered about vegging for a while to get some more height but wtf is going on?

Basically is this normal, I haven't come across this with my White Widow or N.L. grows and just thought it was kinda wierd. GL with all your 'endeavours' and thanks in advance.

