Is this PM or bird pooh?

Damn - I got lots of bird fertilizing my weed.
I hope they keep away from my buds.
Stuff like that is why I bud wash anything grown outdoors. Bugs, bird poop and bug poop are all over the plant so a good bud wash is important. You can get a plastic owl or hawk to help scare them away. The motion activated one I got my Dad works decent until they get used to seeing it. Then he has to move it to a new area.
I've been washing it off with a calcium chloride in a spritzer spray, sterilizes the area.
Seems a bit more shelf stable than hydrogen peroxide to keep handy.
I exp this earlier this year. For a few weeks I thought it was bird poo, but a little more showed up and I thought these mf are either targeting my plant or something else is going on. I ended up researching and then checking the plant real well and I had mealybugs.
I didn't get a bunch of pics of the "bird poo" but here's one. 20220610_164754.jpg

Look for this under the leaves. Not just the leaves with the poo on them. Look lower down, I found more down there. There's not a ton of them and I was able to just scan and kill to keep the population down.
That's the bug in the middle. They jump like fleas so be quick. But they die extremely easy. You could touch them with the end of a stick. It took me a min of searching to find my first one. But once I did I was out there so long scanning those 3 plants that I had a fucking tick that had latched into my back. The mf had enough time to crawl all the way up my body and bite me. I fucking hate those things. I'm not very experienced at growing pot yet, but that does seem exactly like what I had going on. Good luck with everything. Here's another I found of what to look for. It's the bug itself.
I also think it looks like powdery mildew.

The 'good news' is that you've caught it early, and if you get to sort that out now, it's hopefully not going to be an issue.

I've used milk and chilli with good results. My mate also had the same problem, so I told her about the spicy milk, and after one session of spraying, she sorted that out, and it never came back.
  • Fresh milk
  • Dilute with boiled but cooled water to 10-20% milk:water
  • Chop in some fresh chilli or a few drops of Tabasco
Put that into a spray bottle, and mist the leaves - both the top and undersides.

Not just the visibly infected leaves, yes do those few thoroughly, but give the whole plant (and any neighbour plants) a decent spray.

You will find that a lot of the milk runs down the leaves, and collects into drops on the leaf tips. All good.

If you keep it in the fridge, the mix will be good for 3-4 days, so repeat the misting until you've used it all up.

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How it works:

Milk is a fatty colloid.

When that is exposed to sunlight, and UV, it reacts and forms a thin film that coats and protects the leaves.

It not only kills the visible mildew, but the coating goes a long way to prevent it getting a foothold again.

And the chill or Tabasco astringency helps with the PM, and is also hostile to other infection or infestation.
15ml sulphur powder to 1 litre,spray away.

But it sure looks weird,the tops dont look like PM but the underside does? Weird.
100% Mealybugs…I’ve been fighting them on my plants for 2 weeks. The females lay eggs under a waxy-looking mass. The males, which are smaller can fly. But both are big enough to see easily. I’m winning the battle with high doses of Neem every 3 days.
Mealybugs suck sap.