Is this serious?

Ego Fum Papa

Active Member
the dreaded spider mites. at least you only got one plant under that big light. You could try to eradicate them, but honestly, I would just trash the plant and clean the room REALLY well with a bleach solution.


your completely serious about trashing the plant? This isn't treatable at all, I don't have the money or any resources to get any more plants now. Man im really bummed

Ego Fum Papa

Active Member
Absolutely not. Just saying that's what I would do. Since it is your only plant it's definitely worth a shot! Try some sm90. I'm just diagnosing based on symptoms, have a look on the undersides of the affected leaves and see if you see any mites or egg. Use a microscope if you have access to one. Also keep an eye out for webs. Give it a shot! It can't hurt