Is this sulphur and/or mag. Defi. ?


GEDC0463.jpgGEDC0464.jpgGEDC0465.jpgI have 21 of these Think Different auto flower plants going right now under 3000 watts. I am feeding with the expert bundle from advanced nutrients with R/O water and cal-mag at 1 tsp per/gallon mixing 35 gallons every 3 days. I just started getting this problem about 5 days ago and did a feeding with Epsom salt 15 tsp in a 35 gallon mix 1/2 tsp per gallon though people say 1 tsp per gallon I figured I am using cal-mag so I did not need full strength. I am at day 55 from seed with 45-55 days to go and want to get this fixed asap. So do you think it is sulphur or mag. def. and if it is how long will it take to correct it's self. Also what else should I give them.. any help is much appreciated Thanks