Is this tha result of too much rain?

Bill Smith

Active Member
After my 24 seedlings have pretty much been killed by idk wat mixed in wit bugs, i think tha one in tha pics below is gonna be tha only 1 to survive.

it just now started to turn yellow/brown, and it hasnt been eaten at all by bugs yet...weird because it's in tha same location as tha other 23 seedlings.

all 24 seedlings were in tha dirt, had sunlight wenever tha sun was in tha air. I used no fertilizer, no nutrients, nothing. Just the dirt that was there, and water. It rained for about a week and a few days, and it's been tha days it doesnt rain. So I'm thinkin tha problem is too much rain.

Here's my best seedling (i put it into a container):



Well-Known Member
eh, can't tell, can you take a little steadier pic? That would help out a bunch, thanks


Yeah, can't really tell what it could be without a clear picture... but first off, I think you should consider the container and soil you are using. Could be insufficient drainage of the soil especially if it is getting rained on. When was the last time the top layer of the soil was dry?


Well-Known Member
That soil looks like it has horrible drainage.

You need to think about finding a soil that is a more Loam type soil.

Transplant into new soil or that baby wont make it.