Is this the beggining of root rot?


Well-Known Member
I've got some balls of 'snot' on the ends of a couple of roots, and a little browning. I think I know the answer :cry:

It looks to be just the ends of the roots, where they have just got long enough to be submerged.

My nute temps are a bit warm, well they fluctuate between 14c (57f) and 22.8c (73f) , which is annoying as (unrelated to this maybe) I have a water heater with a thermostat set to 16c, so it shouldnt really go that low. This is according to the memory on my temp probe, it's always about 17c (63f) when i test it, but that's usually just after lights on, so I guess it creeps up.

Ive bought some aluminium duct tape that I plan on covering the lid of the DWC with, maybe that will be enough. I might be getting heat from the airpump too, so I might look at putting it oustside the tent.
A water chiller is the last option as they are so expensive..

Can I rescue this? I today added a 'disease level' dose of silver bullet (80ml per 100L) and will repeat in 5 days. Silver bullet

Any advice welcome!

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My water is never below 18c. Usually between 20c and 23c.

During first 2 weeks i dont use chiller and temps are around 27c. No root rot issues.

I do use hydroguard and dwc is wrapped in alu tape to prevent light from going through.
interesting, im gettin slime/snot at 23c... rez temp doen't seem to go over 23 but I'm well aware thats's too warm.

I've put alu duct tape all over the lid so that will hopefully help stabalise the water temps.

EDIT..maybe im just not bleaching the water enough? I dunno..I'm just learning. I'm chemicals, no bio, unless I can help it...:p
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Try hydroguard. People swear by it. I used it since my first grow, and i never had problems, so im not sure if it actually works or not, but finishing my second grow and no root problems other than the size of them. Not keen on dropping HG just to see what would happen, waste of time.

If you do, dont put in any anti bacterial stuff in the water. Hydroguard carries beneficial bacteria.

And make sure no light at all comes in the dwc. Should be completely dark inside of it.
Thanks... but i've kinda gone the other way.. pure chemicals.. it actually seems to be working, but to be honest I'm winging it a bit :)

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what is silver bullet made of? is it chlorine or peroxide? when i ran sterile, i used pool shock (calcium hypochlorite) and it worked really well and is dirt cheap
My go to when doing hydro. Zero root issues.

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Ok so a lot had happened, I think im stablised for now plants look fine but stunted and not growing, roots a little caramel rather than white, and still have some snot globules but I think the issue has slowed/stopped with the silver bullet treatment.

I've cleaned up as best I can and have fished this out of the rez:


So ive deffo got cooties, and im sure it' my water temp which flucuates between 14 -23c

Next... a full rez drain and clean, but i'm just keeping things under control for a few more days as i've got some preventative measures on order:

  • Helia water chiller, pump, filter and black water lines.
  • Black sillicone air lines
  • one way valves for the air lines
  • new air stones
  • Silver bullet misting spray - gonna spray a bunch of this on the top side of the clay pebbles to hopefully kill any cooties that have progressed into the baskets. Death from above. And below.

I plan to use the output hose of the chiller as a little waterfall too, hopefully that will help keep oxygen levels high along with the air stones, as well as cooling the rez.


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Hopefully turned a corner, things are looking a bit better, plants seem to be growing again too :D

ok so the plants look good, topped and now SCROG/LST'ing. Roots look really good too, but im still getting some scum in my rez creeping back.
I'm using a regualr dose of peroxide/siver ion solution which I guess is keeping the rot away from the roots. as all round growth is really fast at the moment.

Current plan is no drastic changes at the moment, and a second full rez drain and clean when I switch to bloom nutes.

ANy advice from anyone appreciated!


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