Is this trick to increase THC potency true?


Active Member
I've heard that burning the roots of your plant during harvesting time makes the THC rush to the rest of the plant. I'm a bit sceptical on this matter but still thought it a bit worth while to look into.
Could someone sheld some light on this for me?


Well-Known Member
This is just another example of shocking the plant into bud production . Supplement some uv light on ur plants and there will be increase in thc


Well-Known Member
I've heard that burning the roots of your plant during harvesting time makes the THC rush to the rest of the plant. I'm a bit sceptical on this matter but still thought it a bit worth while to look into.
Could someone sheld some light on this for me?
It wont increase thc but will make your buds taste like crap(plant is still alive after harvest for a couple daysuntil dry wilting leaves). If u want to increase thc then get the right strain, not some hillbilly hippie old wives tale because thats all that is bro.


Well-Known Member
Total bullcrap.......... good genetics, healthy plants with loads of light and harvest late will yield tons of THC.......


Well-Known Member
you can supplement UV, this will increase Trichome production which means Increase in THC, am I wrong?


Active Member
Thanks for all your replies, it's helped.
I don't get this, what mattman said;
This is just another example of shocking the plant into bud production . Supplement some uv light on ur plants and there will be increase in thc
I don't see how it shocks the plant into 'bud production' as the plant has already been rooted, thus halting anymore production. Am I right or am I just talking shit?


Well-Known Member
Also, High Times this month has an article about lighting and how a wide variety in color increases THC production. Best results are from the sun and they recommend a mix of halide and H.P. sodium for best results.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all your replies, it's helped.
I don't get this, what mattman said;

I don't see how it shocks the plant into 'bud production' as the plant has already been rooted, thus halting anymore production. Am I right or am I just talking shit?
I did phrase that right, I'm just putting this method in the same category as a 36 hour dark period before harvest, which IMO doesn't work


Well-Known Member
Also, High Times this month has an article about lighting and how a wide variety in color increases THC production. Best results are from the sun and they recommend a mix of halide and H.P. sodium for best results.
I've been contemplating this for the last few weeks, running my metal halide along side my hps... Not only will it produce more thc but it will help keep the temp a bit lower in my room. Still undecided!


Well-Known Member
there is nothing in the plant to shock-

into any other part of itself?

thc is in the trichomes. uv light produces ,more thc in the trich's you have, and will produce more.


Active Member
I'm not sure you'se know what I mean.
I'm talking about after ripping the plant up, burn the roots, then hang 'em up to dry. It's my understanding that between the process of drying/curing your buds, there's no need for any light as your plant is practically dead?
You wouldn't burn the roots while it's still growing...


Well-Known Member
Halides run hotter than sodium bulbs........... so u know.

Resin is produced right at the leaf site, not from the stem or roots. You can't "squeeze" more resin out of a plant. Resin production is a defense mechinism the plant uses for defense from bugs, sunlight, heat, etc.


Well-Known Member
Considering the trichomes grow on the buds/leaves themselves and not the roots. How does the logic of "burning the roots of your plant during harvesting time makes the THC rush to the rest of the plant." make any sense? You should be able to smell bullshit just from that little explanation you were given.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
It wont increase thc but will make your buds taste like crap(plant is still alive after harvest for a couple daysuntil dry wilting leaves). If u want to increase thc then get the right strain, not some hillbilly hippie old wives tale because thats all that is bro.
Buds got that right!!! Just when ya think you've heard it all. Dude, pot is a plant. Nothing mystical about it. There are no "secret tricks" or voo doo methods to increase the THC. All we as growers can do is optimize the growing conditions to maximize whats encoded in the genetics. If it doesn't sound like it's based on scientific principal, it probably aint true.