Is touching cannabis briefly with clothing a seriously bad thing


New Member
Is touching cannabis briefly with clothing a seriously bad thing literally just made an account to prove my know it all brother wrong
I have thousands of other plants and I treat my Girls the same.

Plants like to be talked to. They don't like to be touched but if you are rough with them cutting and manipulating they will try better. Their main goal is to bloom and make seeds.

Keep in mind these plants depend on you for water and such. If you have bugs it is your duty to take care of it.
Yes, it is a seriously bad thing, your brother is right(teasing), LOL!

In all seriousness, it could be or not at all, it depends on what we're talking about. I wouldn't want someone rubbing their clothes against my flowering plants, people are disgusting, pet hair, dander, Febreeze, cologne, etc. But, if you just brushed against a plant in veg then your brother might need to smoke more of what he's growing. I'm with curious2garden though, if you truly think he's wrong then show him by growing really good weed and then share it with him.
Nah clothes won’t hurt your plants, you can for sure infect a grow with pests from your clothes if you go into the grow from doing outdoorsy stuff, some clothes shed threads too like I’m not wearing a wool sweater while I’m in the tent pruning lol.