Iso Hash Pic + Questions!


Hi all! Feel free to post pics of your hash and style you made it!

I made a small batch of iso with 12 grams trim. :hump:

Basically I shook the frozen trim up for 30 seconds with 91% and strained.

I evaporated in a pot of lightly simmering water, and the result was golden oil on the pan, that when scraped, became a dark goo.

How long do you have to wait after all the visible alcohol evaporates to smoke?
Is iso hash bad for you?
I tried a little and it was great.

Here's a pic!



Well-Known Member
I've got about 10 grams of that stuff in solid form. Your ISO is 91% alcohol, 9% water. When mine was in liquid form, I put a fan on it for days and let it dry out like that.


Well-Known Member
Not familiar with this method, but sounds like it would work. A lot of boiled hash is done in acetone, so I'd think alcohol would be pretty safe. It evaporates very clean, and based on how often it's used in the medical profession I suspect you'd need a lot to cause any harm.


Well-Known Member
isohash is easiest to make. i would wait at least 2 days but if you can wait a week to be sure. every time i smoked it was a day or two later and i never tasted alcohol