It changed the way i see things.....


Active Member
I've just downloaded a movie called zeitgeist and holy shit! this movie completely blew my mind away as to how we think of relgion, society and most of all governments. I highly recommend everyone who wants to know really whats going on in the world today have a watch of this movie and pass it on to everyone you know, it will change the way you see things hopefully for the better, maybe if enough people really understand the seriousness of the life we live then we can get together and stop some of the bad things that are happening in the world today, below is a link to a short of the movie so if you like it then there will be another link to the movie itself. the movie delves much deeper into the situation so please do yourself and maybe your family a favour and take a couple of hours out of your busy lives and watch it.

youtube link:

movie link:
Zeitgeist - The Movie

thankyou for reading and i hope you enlighten yourself :peace:


Well-Known Member
Ya, the only way its going to make any sense after you look at the real facts is if you are baked. 9/11 was not an inside job, DEAL WITH IT.
are these 'real' facts the ones the government told you?
if you don't believe that the government lies, cheats, and manipulates its people on a daily basis then you should shut your mouth and go back to watching flavor of love

i found it a very interesting, especially the religion part


Well-Known Member
are these 'real' facts the ones the government told you?
if you don't believe that the government lies, cheats, and manipulates its people on a daily basis then you should shut your mouth and go back to watching flavor of love

i found it a very interesting, especially the religion part
To be honest i think id rather go with the government rather than a bunch of morons who spend their day worrying about 2012 and how bush did 9/11 and go make youtube videos to give out all of their "facts". Should I wear a tinfoil hat while I watch this so the government doesnt read my thoughts about the movie?


Well-Known Member
are these 'real' facts the ones the government told you?
if you don't believe that the government lies, cheats, and manipulates its people on a daily basis then you should shut your mouth and go back to watching flavor of love

i found it a very interesting, especially the religion part
No, the "facts" would be me (an engineer) looking at the raw data. You make it sound like the politiburo is putting out press releases and you and the other "truthers" are the only ones who can see the light. You will get no argument from me about religion, its all man made.


Well-Known Member
To be honest i think id rather go with the government rather than a bunch of morons who spend their day worrying about 2012 and how bush did 9/11 and go make youtube videos to give out all of their "facts". Should I wear a tinfoil hat while I watch this so the government doesnt read my thoughts about the movie?
i dont know shit about 2012 nor do i really care...dont watch youtube either so dont know what video 'facts' you are referring to but if you would like to explain to me the reason the 3rd tower fell...ill listen:mrgreen:
but from what ive seen, somebody blew that shit up!


Well-Known Member
No, the "facts" would be me (an engineer) looking at the raw data. You make it sound like the politiburo is putting out press releases and you and the other "truthers" are the only ones who can see the light. You will get no argument from me about religion, its all man made.
you can see the light, you just have to open your eyes


Well-Known Member
are these 'real' facts the ones the government told you?
if you don't believe that the government lies, cheats, and manipulates its people on a daily basis then you should shut your mouth and go back to watching flavor of love

i found it a very interesting, especially the religion part
It is rather ridiculous that conspiracy theorists like those who made this movie (and like yourself, it sounds like) throw everyone that doesn't buy their dumb-ass theory into the same bag of "naive persons" they use to sterotype and label people with. You've done the same thing. For instance, believe it or not, it is actually possible for me to believe that the government lies, cheats and manipulates without me also believing that the government is out to completely take away all my rights and concentrate all property and power into the hands of a few.

Do governments lie? Have religious leaders lied? Yes, of course. Welcome to earth... everyone has lied at some point, and everyone is evil to some degree. That doesn't mean that all religion is evil, or that all government is evil any more then it means all people are evil.

The separation of powers inherent in our constitution will keep what this movie claims is happening from coming to pass. I'm not (and we're not) as naive as this fucking asshole who made this movie claims we are.

And yes, he called you and I naive... the intro says "'they' are trying to keep you in a ... naive bubble, and 'they' are doing a damn good job of it."

Fuck him. He's the naive one. Schizophrenic with delusions of granduer is more like it. Does he think he's the only person that watches what the government is up too? Does he think he's the only one that is smart enough to figure out what is going on. He's the fucking idiot. He needs to get on some meds and calm the fuck down.

Yes, watching the government is important. I'm all for it. There are a lot of government watchdog groups that are all for it too. Believe it or not, I (and other concerned citizens) are NOT naive... we are just as capable of doing it as this dumbfuck is. We just aren't as delusional as he is.

Some of what he says is true. Other parts of what is says is complete bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Why would they demo a building that nobody was in several hours after the other towers fell and when there was ZERO people in it. That would just look bad on their case. I believe fire is the reason it went down. Not omg bush bombed us omg!!!!!1@@

This is my last post in this thread as im not going to argue over what i believe, im too high for that.


Well-Known Member
It is rather ridiculous that conspiracy theorists like those who made this movie (and like yourself, it sounds like) throw everyone that doesn't buy their dumb-ass theory into the same bag of "naive persons" they use to sterotype and label people with. You've done the same thing. For instance, believe it or not, it is actually possible for me to believe that the government lies, cheats and manipulates without me also believing that the government is out to completely take away all my rights and concentrate all property and power into the hands of a few.

Do governments lie? Have religious leaders lied? Yes, of course. Welcome to earth... everyone has lied at some point, and everyone is evil to some degree. That doesn't mean that all religion is evil, or that all government is evil any more then it means all people are evil.

The separation of powers inherent in our constitution will keep what this movie claims is happening from coming to pass. I'm not (and we're not) as naive as this fucking asshole who made this movie claims we are.

And yes, he called you and I naive... the intro says "'they' are trying to keep you in a ... naive bubble, and 'they' are doing a damn good job of it."

Fuck him. He's the naive one. Schizophrenic with delusions of granduer is more like it. Does he think he's the only person that watches what the government is up too? Does he think he's the only one that is smart enough to figure out what is going on. He's the fucking idiot. He needs to get on some meds and calm the fuck down.

Yes, watching the government is important. I'm all for it. There are a lot of government watchdog groups that are all for it too. Believe it or not, I (and other concerned citizens) are NOT naive... we are just as capable of doing it as this dumbfuck is. We just aren't as delusional as he is.

Some of what he says is true. Other parts of what is says is complete bullshit.
i have called no one naive nor religion evil so dont put words in my mouth.
i was only saying the movie opens your eyes to what the government is capable of doing. the gov. does what is in their best interests not ours!!

i think its easy for them to get away with a lot of shit because they have the means to cover it up and control there is no way for us to ever know what the fuck they are actually up to.

i am no conspiracy theorist, i only allow myself to examine what is being put in front of me, and Bush has shown himself as a power hungry greedy fuck who is not to be trusted.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Why would they demo a building that nobody was in several hours after the other towers fell and when there was ZERO people in it. That would just look bad on their case. I believe fire is the reason it went down. Not omg bush bombed us omg!!!!!1@@

This is my last post in this thread as im not going to argue over what i believe, im too high for that.
fire doesnt melt the steel infrastructure so the building shouldnt have fallen.
i'm not buying it. i saw explosions and then the building fell just as if it were being demoed. tower 7 free fell to the ground, fire wouldnt do that.

dont jump out just yet..i'm not arguing just telling my beliefs.


Well-Known Member
i have called no one naive nor religion evil so dont put words in my mouth.
i was only saying the movie opens your eyes to what the government is capable of doing. the gov. does what is in their best interests not ours!!

i think its easy for them to get away with a lot of shit because they have the means to cover it up and control there is no way for us to ever know what the fuck they are actually up to.

i am no conspiracy theorist, i only allow myself to examine what is being put in front of me, and Bush has shown himself as a power hungry greedy fuck who is not to be trusted.:peace:
A history book would open your eyes more than this fiction. The government is not this shadowy agency operating in the dark, it is for they people, by the people and of the people. I find the idea that thousands of people are secretly collaborating to make you think 9/11 was a fraud and the only folks that can "crack the code" are a bunch of college drop out stoners (no offense to either party.)

You are a conspiracy theorist if you find yourself watching crap like this saying "ya man, the government is just out to get me man...." A skeptic takes the claims at face value and then researches them. Trust but verify! Also if you knew anything about Bush you would know that he is FAR from capable of something like this. Hell he man ran MULTIPLE companies into the ground while the Saudis were tossing him tons of cash at him trying to keep them solvent. That takes skill!


Active Member
I feel embarrassed for people who buy in to this.

fire doesnt melt the steel infrastructure so the building shouldnt have fallen.

"For anyone interested in a point-by-point debunking of some of the most popular conspiracy theories out there (like the fact that steel melts at 1525° C, and although jet fuel burns only at 825° C, it doesn't have to burn hot enough to melt to cause the buildings to collapse, since steel loses 50% of its strength at 648 ° C), check out the following links:"

- Maddox

Said links can be found a the bottom of the page linked below.
The best page in the universe.

I'm afraid many conspiracy theorists usually don't refer to balanced/varied sources because "gvment owns the medja". You will soon find one conspiracy theory supports another. At the end of the day, often it may be interesting but it's just a load of bollocks.


Well-Known Member
9/11 was something other than what the government says it is, that is for sure...way too much sketchiness about the whole damn thing to believe that they are telling us the whole truth.

for the people by the people of the people? come on man, not in todays world..maybe back when this country was founded but not today. Its two partys of old people fighting each other to gain more seats and power to push their bills and views through.

politicians constantly go down for some illegal shit, and its not anything new. the whole fucking gov is wack, i cant bring myself to trust them and dont see how you could..but everyone is entitled to their own crazy ass beliefs right:peace:


Well-Known Member
9/11 was something other than what the government says it is, that is for sure...way too much sketchiness about the whole damn thing to believe that they are telling us the whole truth.

for the people by the people of the people? come on man, not in todays world..maybe back when this country was founded but not today. Its two partys of old people fighting each other to gain more seats and power to push their bills and views through.

politicians constantly go down for some illegal shit, and its not anything new. the whole fucking gov is wack, i cant bring myself to trust them and dont see how you could..but everyone is entitled to their own crazy ass beliefs right:peace:
What "sketchyness"? Do some research into it, it's pretty clear. Also you do know you can run for office right? What you have is a profound misunderstanding of the world and how it works.


Active Member
9/11 was something other than what the government says it is, that is for sure...way too much sketchiness about the whole damn thing to believe that they are telling us the whole truth.

for the people by the people of the people? come on man, not in todays world..maybe back when this country was founded but not today. Its two partys of old people fighting each other to gain more seats and power to push their bills and views through.
politicians constantly go down for some illegal shit, and its not anything new. the whole fucking gov is wack, i cant bring myself to trust them and dont see how you could..but everyone is entitled to their own crazy ass beliefs right:peace:
What concerns have you that make 9/11 sketchy? Yes, government officials do illegal things. Some of them anyway. I'm sure all of them have at some point done something illegal. Let me ask you this though. Would you trust someone who had a 100% clean record. Probably not - why? Everyone makes mistakes.

Healthy skepticism? Pass Kool-Aid. Paranoia. You've had too many J's.

Whats the difference between healthy skepticism and paranoia. Doubt, the degree of doubt at least. Skepticism challenges the accepted consensus. Paranoia doesn't have doubt, you know. It takes a contrary position to the original consensus i.e. you doubt so much you believe the opposite.

If the provided story of 9/11 isn't satisfactory. Criticize it, however don't get upset when people criticize your theory.