It's Been a Long Time


Well-Known Member
Here is a look at the girls I have finishing up. One is coming off 2 Flawless Finish feedings and 2 plain waterings. The other was given Flawless Finish today. Also here is a look at my girls I have going right now. A 818 Headband AKA SOUR OG. And a 78 (Gelato 33 x Gelato 45) a cookie. They are being trained at the moment to go under a scrog in a 4x4 tent. I have never scrogged so you all will get the good the bad and the ugly. Im also going to throw in some shots of my monster cropped clones. They have revegged and are throwing out funny leaves, soon they will throw out regular leaves. Also I have a Original Grandaddy Purple and a Ogiesel on the go they are are just seedlings. The Original Grandaddy Purple is a mutant, I was going to kill her off. Well enough of the small talk here is the girls. Happy 420, its good to be back home! Damn its says only 10 pictures I didn't realize I was that far in.
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Well-Known Member
The girls are doing good, the first insert for this journal the pictures were from last week. I take pictures weekly of the plants. The 818 and the 78 are doing great. Now I need all the new growth to shoot up as I have made multiple branches or tops on these plants. Its been a pain in the ass to water the plants now. Since the branches are secured flush t the brims of the pots.

I have to untie branches to water the pots and then tie them back up. Once everything starts growing upward. I will place the net over the girls but, hell they are restraint under 2inches tall now. I'm just going to let them grow upward. I will continue to remove leaves every day, or every other day, depends what needs done. The flowering plants are finishing up. One had plain water, one had her last feeding of Flawless Finish.

The Ogiesel has had her first lst and leaf removal. The mutant Original Grandaddy Purple, I couldn't take looking at her. so I clipped all her mutant leaves off and these are coming in. Whatever it takes. The monster cropped clone is doing good as you can see getting big and throwing out side branches, My brother was here about 2 hours ago and he collected the other monster cropped clone I gifted him.20220423_071208.jpg20220423_071051.jpg20220423_071009.jpg20220423_074359.jpg20220423_074216.jpg20220423_071850.jpg20220423_074415.jpg20220423_072518.jpg20220423_072430.jpg20220423_072118.jpg