an original op-ed
by Schuylaar
so i went into the speedway to get morning coffee 2-24 of the richest brazilian you can find topped with 8-10 hazelnut creamers and two blue EACH 24 oz. now, i realize that there is only one place for coffee fixin's so i fix my first then put the other hazlenuts in my pocket to fix later. then when i'm standing in the long line i can drink my first cup that's fixed. so i'm fixing the first when i hear one of the cashiers loudly say 'maybe she likes milk' see dear friends..someone played milk po-po this morning and the cashier very nicely put that jobber in place and yes..he was a jobber..the kind that might get upset if there's no more AR's for sale at Dick's.
now awhile ago, living in an apartment, i took my little dogs out for a walk when i noticed one of my neighbors parked near the stairwell was into his trunk waist i'm passing by, he jumps out of the trunk not knowing i'm there, i glance over at activity and see many long type guns jammed into the trunk, on the sides disappearing into the door areas as he tries to close the trunk quickly. same guy who has black garbage bag taped on his windows and patio screen. same guy who always has a rental cars with tennessee, kentucky or w virginia plates. same guy who's girlfriend always leaves with one locker sized bag. I ask the RIU forum should i say something and got ripped a new one.
it's not dick's that are dicks- it's people
by Schuylaar
so i went into the speedway to get morning coffee 2-24 of the richest brazilian you can find topped with 8-10 hazelnut creamers and two blue EACH 24 oz. now, i realize that there is only one place for coffee fixin's so i fix my first then put the other hazlenuts in my pocket to fix later. then when i'm standing in the long line i can drink my first cup that's fixed. so i'm fixing the first when i hear one of the cashiers loudly say 'maybe she likes milk' see dear friends..someone played milk po-po this morning and the cashier very nicely put that jobber in place and yes..he was a jobber..the kind that might get upset if there's no more AR's for sale at Dick's.
now awhile ago, living in an apartment, i took my little dogs out for a walk when i noticed one of my neighbors parked near the stairwell was into his trunk waist i'm passing by, he jumps out of the trunk not knowing i'm there, i glance over at activity and see many long type guns jammed into the trunk, on the sides disappearing into the door areas as he tries to close the trunk quickly. same guy who has black garbage bag taped on his windows and patio screen. same guy who always has a rental cars with tennessee, kentucky or w virginia plates. same guy who's girlfriend always leaves with one locker sized bag. I ask the RIU forum should i say something and got ripped a new one.
it's not dick's that are dicks- it's people