I've got mites. combat with Lady bugs?


Active Member
I have never had mites before now.. but after reading around I think I caught them at a pretty early stage.
17 autos at day 55.
they have less than a month to go by the looks.
Best way to combat them quickly for plants to finish?
Are lady bugs a popular method early on?
Combod with neem or something similar?
I would hate to lose them all. (I have moved them all far enough away from eachother where i dont think they can get plant to plant)
I'm not sure if I have every girl infested or a few that are safe.
You can try them or preying mantis which i find way more cool the sell the eggs on amazon i thing you put them in the fridge for a few hours and they hatch,
Drop temps maybe. Try the ladybugs or other pred bugs. Good luck. SNS makes great natural sprays. Pricey but they do well
lady bugs are a waste of money and time,unless you want a room full of dead ladybugs. You can go the chem route, but then you have to smoke that stuff. Best bet is to chop it all down, take the loss and start over, but I know you won't do that, so My best suggestion is to get some No pest strips, put them in your room and pretend you're not smoking chemicals when your plants are done. good luck
I have never had mites before now.. but after reading around I think I caught them at a pretty early stage.
17 autos at day 55.
they have less than a month to go by the looks.
Best way to combat them quickly for plants to finish?
Are lady bugs a popular method early on?
Combod with neem or something similar?
I would hate to lose them all. (I have moved them all far enough away from eachother where i dont think they can get plant to plant)
I'm not sure if I have every girl infested or a few that are safe.

Lady bigs are useless against spider mites. Green Lace Wings. Or spray with Spinosad. If you are in veg get Forbid off of eBay. You can get 2 ozs for about $28 and it will allow you to spray a gallon about 24 times It is good for 6 weeks.



Fels Naptha soap. Cheap solution. Can use in veg and flower.
good idea...you beat me to the punch. lower temps will keep them in check until after harvest, then sterilize the room. be careful of recycled soil which may contain eggs.
I was thinking about the soil.
I'll most likely toss it, I don't think it's worth the headache if even 1 egg gets through.
I'll definitely be sterilizing roof to floor.
All responses are appreciated.
It's the home stretch.