ive had an accident :(


Well-Known Member
ok so working in the tent to improve extraction ive dropped a roll of mammoth tape on top my blueberry cheesecake she looks fine other than one of the tops/growths from the second set of fanleafs ive managed to snap it its still part of the plant and not broke off fully i have added some tape round it as it has broken the outer casing of the stem now kinda looks like a supercrop knuckle will she be ok has this kinda done me a favour maybe ??
yeah its not a bad thing like you said same as over super cropping these plants are beast and can survive in unbelievable conditions it should create a fat knuckle that will cause more nutrients to move thru and make it more sturdy good luck just keep it sterile and she will come back fine!
nice one seamed to be repairing very quick almost feels like shes took the weight back and its only about an hour since how long would u suggest leaving the tape on for mate she smelled lush and cheesy where it broke too already excited for smoke and as for the deformed leaf issue in that other thread when i had a top grow out of those leafs soon as it got level with the canopy both sides i clipped the leafs off that looked bit deformed she loved it the stalks to those tops thickened up within 24 hours of clipping she looks great now round day 21 from breaking soil 13090176_988876317869142_457314832_n.jpg
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I broke a stem when weaving my plants in my screen, just before flipping. I taped it up and tape is still on there now, 1 weeks away from chop. I kept it a little loose, like just not to tight and that branch is now flowering one of the biggest bud on the plant.

If anything take it off in a week and look at it, you can always put more back on!
thanx yea i will do i was scared but kinda glad its happened in a way as shows me something different in first grow nice to have a bit of an experience for the future plus i was too scared to even dream of supercropping so could be a blessing as i doubt ill lose the fear of doing it or ever manage to bring myself to do it deliberate lol