I've never had a good buzz from a Vaporizer...


Active Member
I am interested in smoke free devices, but I am not confident in how they operate. Can someone please let me know if the buzz is comparable to the one achieved by burning the bud with a flame? I have used 2 vaporizers in the past and never really got too high. Any recommendations/insight would be appreciated. :peace:

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Once you use a good vaporizer correctly - well, let me just say that you can get 2x as trashed on half the amount of bud. Something has gone wrong for you.

Super Vapezilla!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Can you make a recommendation on a model of Vaporizer to use? Do you still get the fruity or piney flavors from the bud?

True Stoner

Active Member
I have a V-Tower and its alright, it gets me high but i definitely love the taste from smoking the bud without the vap!!!


Active Member
A vape does NOT give you "smoke" it gives you vapor... if you get "smoke" you are running temps way too high. I have 6 different models of vapes... my fav is my "verdampfer", second fav is my volcano digit, third is my silver surfer. The rest... vapolution, vapir oxygen and herbalaire are all tied for last place.

The "buzz" from a vape is very different from smoking a joint/bong/pipe. Personally I find the high from a vape is very much concentrated in the form of, as what I can only describe as "front of the head" buzz. Secret to fast hitting vape is "inhale right down to your guts" hold it for a long time... repeat. Make sure you drink lots when you vape as vaping will dehydrate your throat and lungs pretty bad (can ya say cotton mouth?).



Active Member
If you really long for a "tasty vape hit" try vaping "green" material (not fully dried) you will find you can very much taste the true flavor of the bud.



Well-Known Member
my neighbor here in hawaii hav the high end volcano and to be honest the four or five times i have used it I didnt like it. It did taste good but no real buz to speak of.
Now the guy is kinda nutty and it sounds like you can do it wrong and id bet he is. I have not seen it run he just comes to the house with 2 bags full and ready to go so I dont know what hes doing wrong. I kinda gave up on them for not being worth it but it looks like I should get the unit from him and see if a can get better results.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I start at 340F and work my way up to 380F. It is important to prepare the material correctly before vapeing. I can take a test bud off of a plant and be vapeing it in 5 mins. Works great for those impatient growers that need a sample.