Ive never seen this on my plants buts its getting annoying! Im a noob help me.

So as of last week(plant is 3 weeks old) I've been havin some trouble with my biggest seedling. I learned after the fact that your not supposed to fertilize the little guys till their bigger, so this is what ended up happening.
now the thing is the actual burning stopped about 3 days ago but since i flushed the plant to get rid of the excess fert the new growth is nice and green but its all turning down at the tips. its really annoying because i can't figure it out and the plant is starting to get behind in growth. on top of the ugly way its growing its not in shock but its growing a lot one day, the next day nothing, and so on.

Any ideas? and no i don't need idiots only people who know what their talking about.

Thanks guys!


ouch i would be very upset with that took 3 weeks just 2 have that happening I'm on my first grow got nice green color like yours just adding in little mg's of solution to water for the seedling cycle and had no problems with plants so far... best advice i could give is download "Jorge Cervantes growing" pdf book online it tells you how to handle the plant thru seedling - vegetative - flowering - harvest - drying with pictures and diagrams on what to feed it and how much pretty good advice. even I'm making mistake feeding such a young plant solution in water but i know this diluted water is pure bottle water no bad P.H levels so that's why I'm using it lol... hope it doesn't back fire


Well-Known Member
Its looks as dry as a nun's fanny, its needs a bigger pot and what are you growing it in bark? looks very dry


Active Member
Look to transplant soon VirginMary you dont want her root bound and it could be a ph issuse.Imo Good Luck!


Active Member
might take her a little time to recover. plants often grow in spurts. new leaf forms, unfurles, expands


Well-Known Member
burnt and stressed badly, i cant say i agree about the repotting, yes u could and should about this time, but its not responsible for that amount of stess, also, what type of soil u using, looks like straight wood chips with a little bit of dirt. anywho, id say repot it and give it straight water till its lookin good, dnt go overboard with the water either, that could be another explaintion, water, let it dry, water, repeat, and if ur soil looks dry, i urge u to dig an inch down or so and feel if the dirt is still moist if so no need to water, ur gonna have to feel ur plants out to decide when and when not to water them, it takes a little time to get into ur plants rythym. and when u do start feeding, take it easy on that too, ur plant realy dnt need as much nutrients as the bottle suggests


Well-Known Member
it seems like that plant has had a lot of issues, and its just been beat up so much that its defenses are low, so i would give it a cure-all.

check ph, water, check ph..
up the micro nutes
and get a bottle of fungus/mold/rot killer, and use a bit at 50% strength. (this has worked for me in the past, when ive tried everything and a plant doesnt seem to be doing well, has lots of wierd leaves like 2 finger ones or whatever, and theres just no other explanation)

99% of the problems we have are ^ one of these issues (if its not overfeeding). is it burnt? yes, but its not BURNING right now. currently, due to flushing a bunch, you could have deficiencies with the trace elements, or rot/mold/fungus on the roots (from the amount of water you used).

the only other thing i would do is to transplant that sucker into a bigger pot