ive searched for answers and need help


Active Member
a few questions...

- to skip on cutting down a tree and atracting attention how can i poison it to kill the tree without the poison spreading to my plants in close proximiny.

-i know its a question asked over and over but i cant find a straightforward answer, when guerilla growing in a fairly ideal outdoor enviornment how often should i water.

-how many days can i wait after a rainfall to water again.

-would leaving my plants alone and just watering them in severe drought be possible?

-how early should i top my plant.

-If there is an extremely large amount of roots in the soil should they just be cut out and mixed in with the soil? will they hog water from my plants?

I apreciate any help:peace:


Well-Known Member
- to skip on cutting down a tree and atracting attention how can i poison it to kill the tree without the poison spreading to my plants in close proximiny.ringbark it, or dillholes in it and poison.sumtime's a dead standing tree can atract attention.

-i know its a question asked over and over but i cant find a straightforward answer, when guerilla growing in a fairly ideal outdoor enviornment how often should i water.
-how many days can i wait after a rainfall to water again.your next question is the anser

-would leaving my plants alone and just watering them in severe drought be possible?yes very possible

-how early should i top my plant. @1 1/2 foot

-If there is an extremely large amount of roots in the soil should they just be cut out and mixed in with the soil? will they hog water from my plants?yes just cut them up well digging your patch but get big one's out.