Jack's Blossom Booster... Feeding ?'s

Hey just wondering about anyone who uses this product. Outdoor preferably but either or. When do you stop feeding, and do you give them flushes at all?



Well-Known Member
I usually start the first day of flowering and continue feeding half the daily dosage that it specifies on the container until 1 week before harvest. It's been working very well for me so far.
Cool thanks man! It says to give 1 tbs a week per plant, yet others have said they use a tsp a day to each plant. That would be over 2 tbs a week. I myself started at half each, then went to 1 tbs, then 1 1/2 now they are each getting 2 tbs a week, along with 1 tsp of grow big, and 1 tsp of earth juice cal mag. Hopefully everything keeps going well!

Think I've got about 3 weeks left so I'm going to start stepping the feedings back down now, as long as she responds well to this last one. Prob step down to 1/2 then 1/4 then just water the last week..

Any flushing? Have you harvested and smoked any of the plants yet? Still is good as long as you stop feeding a week before harvest?